Digital Signage
Visit the Event Promotion page to add your event to the Columbia Mailman calendar. Events submitted two weeks prior to the event will be included in the weekly Event Transmission newsletter.
- Only School, CUIMC, or CU events or news are posted to the digital screens or in designated spaces in elevators.
- Each announcement will appear on the digital screen for 15 seconds. The School reserves the right to adjust the appearance time based on the number of announcements in the rotation.
- Posters on easels are not permitted in the lobby.
- Flyers taped to the walls are not permitted in the lobby or elevators.
- Please refer to the School as "Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health or "Columbia Mailman," but never MSPH. The School reserves the right to make decisions about when a posting will appear in the announcement rotation.
When the digital signs are active, please follow these guidelines:
The digital signs in the lobby of the Allan Rosenfield Building (722 W.168th St.) are easy to create and a great way to publicize Columbia Mailman, CUMC, and Columbia University events. Below are some basic tips, templates, and guidelines for these electronic posters.
Is my event suitable for posting?
- Yes, if it is an event open to a wide audience and sponsored or co-sponsored by a Mailman School, CUIMC, or CU department, center, or office.
- No, if it is by invitation only, a course, or an event at an institution outside Columbia.
Is my non-event announcement suitable for posting?
- Yes, if it is a Non-Degree or Special Program listed on the Columbia Mailman Academics website.
- Yes, if it is an announcement about funding opportunities open to Columbia Mailman faculty, staff, or students.
- Yes, if it is an announcement regarding the Allan Rosenfield Building facilities and opperations.
What are the technical specifications for the e-posters?
- Format: JPEG or PNG
- Size: 1080 pixels wide x 1398 pixels tall (8.5"x11")
- Resolution: 72 dpi
- Orientation: Portrait
- Color: RGB
Tips for Creating an Effective Sign
- Clear, simple designs and text work best.
- Minimize the use of bold copy to the most basic elements, for example, the title, speaker name and date.
- Remember the signs rotate every 10 seconds. It is best to keep descriptions short.
- Include the sponsors and co-sponsors.
- Avoid thin or diagonal lines which will appear pixilated.
File Submission
Email your JPEG or PPT sign to one of the following:
- For School-wide audiences: submit all files and questions to (Please note that we are experiencing technical issues with the email. While we work to correct this, please email
Signs are updated on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
For Tuesday updates submissions should be made by 2pm on Friday and for Thursday updates submissions should be made by 2pm on Tuesday.
Additional Ways to Promote an Event
- Visit the Event Promotion page to tap into additional event communications channels.
- Announce your event on CUMC's digital signage.