Facts & Figures

- 3rd largest recipient of NIH grant funding among schools of public health
- Established in 1922, one of the three oldest public health academies in the U.S. (see School History)
- Named the Mailman School of Public Health in 1999 in honor of Joseph L. Mailman, a prominent businessman and philanthropist
- More than 18,500 graduates in 110 countries hold leadership positions in government, hospitals, academia, non-governmental institutions, and the private sector
- 185 full-time faculty
- Nearly 28% of full-time faculty hold joint or interdisciplinary appointments in Columbia departments, schools, and centers
- Faculty and staff conduct research and implement programs in more than 100 countries
Educational Programs
- Degrees offered: MPH, MHA, MS, PhD, DrPH
- 10 dual degree programs in areas such as Law, Medicine, International Affairs, and Social Work
- 419 classes offered during the 2020-2021 academic year
- Median class size: 24
Academic Departments
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Epidemiology
- Health Policy & Management
- Population & Family Health
- Sociomedical Sciences
2022-2023 Student Body Snapshot
- Total Enrollment: 1,781
- Master‘s Students: 91%
- Doctoral Students: 9%
- Average Age of Entry: 25
- Age Range: 19-74
- Non-U.S. Citizens: 31%
- Countries Represented: 66
- States/Territories Represented: 46
- Ethnic/Racial Minorities: 50%
- African-American: 8%
- Asian: 26%
- Latino: 12%
Statistics reflect April 2023 data.