School Slogan
Building a Healthy and Just World
Editorial Style
In formal communications, online and in print, use “Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health,” on first mention. Do not use the possessive “Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health.” In formal communications, for a second reference, use “the Columbia Mailman School,” followed by the third reference as “Columbia Mailman.” In informal communications, after the first reference, you may use “the School” or “our School,” if it is clear you are referring to Columbia Mailman School. If you only can only use one word in formal communications, use “Columbia epidemiologist,” not “Mailman epidemiologist.” Do not use “MSPH” or “Mailman” to refer to the Columbia Mailman School. When referring to Columbia, “University” is always capitalized.
For other editorial style questions, please refer to the Columbia Mailman Editorial Style Guide.
Visual Style
Learn about the brand, mission, and values of the entire Columbia University Irving Medical Center in the Brand & Identity Guide. A summary of the visual style as applies specifically to Columbia Mailman follows:
Official Columbia Mailman logos are available from the CUIMC Brand Center. The CUIMC Brand & Identity Guide outlines how to appropriately use the Columbia Mailman and unit logos, which should only be used for official print and digital assets. If you have questions about using a logo, contact
The set contains horizontal and vertical (stacked) versions of the logo, in black, blue and white, and in .png, pdf and .eps formats. Please take care not to distort or alter the logo, and keep the logo legible by displaying it at widths greater than 2.25in/225px for the horizontal version or 1in/100px for the stacked, with a clearspace the size of the crown on all sides.
For department and program logos, contact the Office of Communications at For other CUIMC school logos, log into the CUIMC Brand Center.
Gotham should be used as a display font (in print and online) and a text font in external designs. When Gotham is not available, please use, (in order of preference): Avenir, Helvetica, or Arial.
ITC Giovanni should be used as body text on websites and in official documents. When ITC Giovanni is not available, please use, (in order of preference): Times New Roman or Times.
Color Palette
Pantone 3005 and Pantone 7686 are our official colors. All other previously authorized blues or supporting colors should no longer be used by the medical center or its entities as a primary color.
Academic Primary and Promotional Primary


The proportion or balance of colors in our visual identity is important. The blues above are our primary colors and are core elements of our brand. With the exception of white and black, other secondary and accent colors should be used sparingly. When used selectively, secondary and accent colors give designs variety. However, to provide a more focused and consistent design, we recommend omitting secondary or accent color if possible.

Our photographs must illustrate work done at the School—collaboration, teamwork, and interaction among colleagues, students, and the public. Use real, unposed situations, shot with available light, or bold conceptual photos that convey an important theme. Acceptable types of photography:
See more examples at our Flickr page.
View guidelines for capturing your own photo and video: