Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants

Interschool Fellowships

Interschool fellowships are need-based institutional awards—ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 annually—that are not restricted to students in one Columbia school or college. To apply, you must be a current student with an active UNI and Columbia email address. The link to the application for interschool fellowships will be provided by the financial aid office in June. 

Paul Nichoplas Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is to benefit a student in any area of the University who has attended college or university in Greece. It is available to graduate and undergraduate students for two years. Required documentation: An affidavit or an official transcript from the institution.

Vladimir and Olga Poder Fund

This fellowship is to benefit Estonian-speaking students attending Columbia.  The fellowship cannot be greater than $2,000 annually.  It is available to graduate or undergraduate students.  Required documentation:  To verify that the student speaks Estonian, please submit a letter from the New York Estonian House located at 243 East 34th Street, New York NY 10016.

Richard T. Wamser Fellowship

The Richard T. Wamser Fellowship is available to undergraduate students of Native American descent.  Students must work at least 10-20 hours per week during the term they receive assistance from the fund.  Required documentation:  Certification of Report of Birth issued by Dept. of State (DS-1350), U.S. Citizen ID Card (I-197 or I-179), or Native American tribal documents.

Lydia C. Chamberlain Fellowship

The Lydia C. Chamberlain Fellowship is available for students who resided at any time in the State of Iowa and graduated from a college or university located in the State of Iowa.  The award is based on scholastic standing, seriousness of purpose, moral character and real need of financial help and would be used to pursue advanced and graduate studies in Columbia University.  Required documentation:  Any person(s) awarded a Graduate Fellowship shall give to Columbia University due notice in writing of acceptance of the fellowship AND shall also state acceptance of the intention to return to the State of Iowa for a period of at least two years upon completion of studies at Columbia University or upon the expiration of the fellowship.  If any person so appointed shall fail to register at Columbia University in accordance with its generally applicable rules for timely registration, the fellowship shall be deemed vacant and a new fellow shall be appointed in his/her place.  The stipends provided by this award are intended for the payment of the tuition and fees at Columbia University.

Institutional Fellowships

Institutional Fellowships are determined by a scholarship committee during the admissions application process. There is no separate application required to be considered. 

AEHS Foundation, Inc

Dr. Charlena M. Seymour Scholarship - $1,000 will be awarded to one applicant each year pursuing a graduate degree in Public and/or Environmental Health from accredited U.S. universities or colleges. Please see our website for more details

Dr. David F. Ludwig Memorial Student Travel Scholarship - Up to $1,000 will be awarded each year per applicant (multiple winners are possible) conducting and/or presenting research in the field of ecology, pursuing a graduate or undergraduate degree from accredited U.S. Universities or Colleges. Please see our website for more details

The Allan Rosenfield MD Scholarship

This fund supports one or more students pursuing an MPH in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences with an interest in population and mental health.

The Allan Rosenfield Scholars Fund

This need-based scholarship, established in 2004, is awarded annually to outstanding students pursuing a doctoral degree or performing post-doctoral research in the field of public health. 

Community Scholars

A merit and/or need-based scholarship awarded annually to full-time MPH students in the department of Sociomedical Sciences. Selection for the scholarship is competitive and based on a review of all admission materials.

Doris Duke Fellowships for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago invite individuals who are interested in a career in the field of child abuse and neglect prevention to apply for these fellowships. For more details, please visit the resources section.

Dorothy Edith Veith-DiPaolo Memorial Scholarship

This annual scholarship supports one nurse who is pursuing a master's degree in public health. The scholarship was established in 2004 by Nicholas DiPaolo in memory of his late wife, Dorothy Edith Veith-DiPaolo, a nurse who received her master's degree in public health from Columbia School of Public Health in 1980.

Dr. E.M. Bluestone Scholarship

This award benefits students in the Master of Healthcare Administration program who are intellectually gifted and demonstrate financial need.

Elizabeth Milbank Anderson Fellowship

This award provides fellowships to PhD students studying in the Mailman School's Center for the History and Ethics of Public Health.

Gemson Scholarship

The Gemson Scholarship, established in an honor of Donald H. Gemson, MD, MPH ’85, provides support for doctoral students focusing in the area of health promotion and disease prevention.

The James Harden Fellowship Fund

Provides doctoral fellowships for PhD students who are studying with the Center for the History and Ethics of Public Health. Recipients of this fellowship are designated as James Harden Fellows.

Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Scholars Program

Made possible by a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Heilbrunn, this scholarship gives preference to minority students or individuals who plan to work in city, state, or federal public health agencies or public health-oriented non-profit organizations after graduation.

Julia B. Wasserman Scholarship

This need-based scholarship was established by Julia Wasserman, '88.

Jane L. and Robert J. Katz Scholarship

This scholarship provides funds for Mailman School students who demonstrate financial need.

The Latino Community Health Fellowship Program

The Latino Community Health Fellowship Program is designed to support the development of early-career public health professionals committed to addressing the increasing health disparities faced by a growing Latino population in the United States. One fellowship will be offered each year to a student pursuing their Masters of Public Health (MPH) in the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health (HDPFH).

  • Apply for the 2024 Latino Community Health Fellowship

Lemann Fellowship Program

The Lemann Fellowship program aims to contribute to accelerating social change in Brazil through providing financial assistance to master's students with a commitment to addressing crucial development challenges facing Brazil such as public health and education. Learn more

The Mailman School Scholars

Established by an anonymous donor in 2007, this resource provides need-based financial aid to master’s degree students.

Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program

Employees of the Department of Citywide Administrative Services in the City of New York are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The program covers half the cost of tuition, up to three tuition points per semester. Mayor’s Graduate Scholars continue their employment while participating in this program. A separate application is required and available online or by writing to Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program, 1 Centre Street (Room 2435), New York, NY 10007.

Peter Jay Sharp Scholarship

This merit-based scholarship, established with a gift from the Peter Jay Sharp Foundation in memory of hotelier Peter Jay Sharp, provides a one year nonrenewable $25,000 scholarship to full-time MPH students. Awardees are selected primarily on the basis of public health career potential, demonstrated leadership ability, prior public health work, and community advocacy experience.

Columbia Mailman Scholarship in Public health

This award provides need-based financial aid for Mailman School students who have demomstrated a level of leadership throughout their academic and professional career. It is funded by students, alumni, and friends of the Mailman School.

**Please note, this fund requires participation in specific events throughout the academic year such as new student orientation, admitted students day, student panels, open houses, etc. 

The Ray E. Trussell, MD, Fellowship

This fellowship provides aid for a full-time student pursuing an MPH or Executive MPH in public health with a concentration in substance abuse prevention and public policy. Eligible candidates must have proven training in psychiatry and substance abuse treatment and/or equivalent experience. Preference is given to applicants who have trained at Beth Israel Hospital or a Columbia University affiliated institution. This fellowship was established by Dr. Elizabeth Trussell in honor of her late husband, Ray E. Trussell, MD, dean of the Mailman School of Public Health from 1955 to 1968.

Rosenfield Fellowship Fund

Established by the Jerome L. Greene Foundation, this fellowship provides aid for students pursuing an MPH/MSW degree or with a related interest in social work.

Rosenfield Global Health Scholarships Fund

Established by Richard and Elizabeth Witten, this scholarship provides aid for a student interested in the care and treatment of people with AIDS/HIV in South Africa. Evidence of interest, including academic background and/or experience in this field, must be included in the admissions application.

Sheila Gorman Scholarship

This partial scholarship available to an incoming student in the Executive MPH Program is funded by alumni, students, colleagues, friends, and family of retired faculty member Sheila Gorman, PhD, in honor of her career at the Mailman School of Public Health.

Tillman Military Scholar

This prestigious and selective partnership provides scholarship opportunities for Columbia student veterans or their spouses. Funded by the Pat Tillman Foundation, which seeks to create a community of scholars dedicated to improving their lives, the lives of their families, and their country by creating a spirit of service, the Tillman Military Scholars program removes financial barriers to completing a degree. The program provides a forum where leadership, service, and advocacy can flourish and creates an environment for America's next generation of leaders to hone their focus and skills through education and deeply engagement within their communities. Visit the website for more information about the foundation and scholarship or to apply

Tumelty, Taub, Pokorny, and Liberman Pharmacy Alumni Scholarship Fund

This award, funded by alumni of the former College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, supports students at the Mailman School.

W.E.B. DuBois Scholarship

This scholarship provides support for MPH students who already have a medical degree or are enrolled in a joint MD/MPH program and who intend to pursue public health careers in a municipal, domestic, or international agency.

Werner and Elaine Dannheisser Scholarship

Established by the Werner and Elaine Dannheisser Trust, this need-based scholarship supports one or more students in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences' Aging and Public Health track.

Wyman Scholarship

This merit-based scholarship was funded by the late Rita F. Wyman in memory of her husband, Dr. Randolph A. Wyman, a former member of the School's faculty.

Yellow Ribbon Program for Military Veterans

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs provides significant financial aid opportunities to students who served in the United States Armed Forces on or after September 11, 2001, as well as their dependents. Through an initiative authorized by the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act, higher education institutions can provide eligible student veterans on a first-come, first-served basis with a tuition waiver or grant that is matched by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. This program, known as the Yellow Ribbon Program (YRP), enhances the base tuition benefits provided by the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

For Mailman's 2022 - 2023 Yellow Ribbon Award application, click here. If you received the Yellow Ribbon Award at Mailman last academic year, you do not need to complete this year's application. 

To learn more about your Yellow Ribbon eligibility or your GI Bill benefits, email Columbia University's Office of Military and Veterans Affairs at or call them at 212-854-3161