Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center
Bringing together the resources of a top-tier research university, the Columbia Aging Center convenes across a range of disciplines including the medical sciences, humanities, social sciences and professions like urban planning, architecture and journalism, to study and better understand the aging process and its societal implications. The Columbia Aging Center’s mission is to contribute to the knowledge base needed to optimize aging for individuals, as well as to bring about meaningful change in social and economic policy. The Columbia Aging Center views the work context as a major field for research and application, and the Age Smart Employer Award is a signature initiative. The Center is based at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants primarily to support original research and broad-based education related to science, technology, economic performance and the quality of American life. The Foundation is unique in its focus on science, technology and economic institutions—and the scholars and practitioners who work in these fields—as chief drivers of the nation’s health and prosperity. The Foundation has a deep-rooted belief that carefully reasoned systematic understanding of the forces of nature and society, when applied inventively and wisely, can lead to a better world for all. The Foundation’s endowment provides the financial resources to support its activities. The investment strategy for the endowment is to invest prudently in a diversified portfolio of assets with the goal of achieving superior returns.
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