Practical Climate Action for Caribbean Health Professionals: A How-To Series
Session 2: Climate Communication with Patients
DATES: October 16, 2024
TIME: 5:00-6:30 PM Eastern Time (NYC)
Description: Health professionals are already observing the negative impacts of climate change on the health of their patients and communities. As trusted advisors, health professionals have a unique opportunity to raise awareness about climate change as a health issue, provide personalized guidance, and share solutions to protect patient health. Broader research on clinician-patient communication indicates that such counseling can significantly enhance health outcomes.
This webinar will explore how to effectively integrate climate-related counseling into busy clinical practice, including during healthcare screenings, history taking, long-term condition management, and discharge and aftercare planning. Communication technique, strategies and case examples about climate change will be tailored to the sociocultural context of the Caribbean region. Join us to learn how to listen to your patients, address their climate-related health concerns, and contribute to their overall well-being through informed and compassionate communication.
Climate change is a health crisis with escalating negative impacts on communities worldwide. The Caribbean region is particularly at risk of increasing heat and drought, more intense and frequent extreme weather events, warming rising seas, and increased epidemics, e.g., vector-borne diseases. These challenges are exacerbated by the region's unique geographical and socio-economic conditions, making effective community response critical to safeguard community health. This reality necessitates proactive health professional training opportunities on planetary and climate change. Quick action is imperative to recognize, respond to climate-health threats, and mitigate climate change at its source.
The Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education and EarthMedic and EarthNurse Foundation for Planetary Health launched a free, open access “Caribbean Climate and Health Responders Course: Education for Action” in spring 2024. The course aimed to equip health care professionals with the knowledge and tools to effectively respond to the climate and health crisis in their local Caribbean communities. Following the course’s success, participants expressed enthusiastic interest in applied training to take action against climate change in their professions and communities.
To address this need, the “Practical Climate Action for Caribbean Health Professionals: A How-To Series” monthly webinar series will focus on equipping health professionals with hands-on techniques, leadership strategies and teaching tools for promoting climate action in different settings. Sessions will include topics such as climate action in the community, writing policy briefs, effective climate communication strategies to patients and the media, and data sharing and analysis to support climate action and many more. Through interactive sessions and expert-led discussions, participants will be prepared to lead community resilience efforts, advocate and implement for sustainable practices, and contribute to a healthier, climate-resilient future.CMEs/CPD will be available for health professionals from the region. Join us!
Session 1: How to Connect with Your Community • September 17, 2024
Dr C James Hospedales, MD, Founder/ Managing Director, EarthMedic/EarthNurse
Yvonne Lewis, Coordinator M. Ed Health Promotion, School of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Education, UWI, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago
- Esquire Henry, National and CARICOM Youth Ambassador for Antigua and Barbuda, United Nations Youth Advisory Group for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean
Description: As the health impacts of climate change unfold, there are multiple ways to get involved–at your health facility, in your communities, or in your government. Learn from climate advocates working in each of these spaces how powerful your voice can be. You’ll also learn where to go to build your skills and find support for your climate action journey.
In this session, participants will learn effective strategies for engaging with their communities to promote climate action. The session will explore the work of climate action community groups and collaborative initiatives to better understand the role of advocacy and health equity in creating impactful change. Attendees will learn methods for connecting with their audience, considering their unique spheres of influence to tailor their approach and leverage their health professional voice. The session will also guide participants in identifying their network and potential partners, as well as developing a comprehensive plan of action to maximize community engagement and drive sustainable climate solutions.
Session 2: Climate Communication with Patients • October 16, 2024
Featuring: Coming soon!
Description: Health professionals are already observing the negative impacts of climate change on the health of their patients and communities. As trusted advisors, health professionals have a unique opportunity to raise awareness about climate change as a health issue, provide personalized guidance, and share solutions to protect patient health. Broader research on clinician-patient communication indicates that such counseling can significantly enhance health outcomes.
This webinar will explore how to effectively integrate climate-related counseling into busy clinical practice, including during healthcare screenings, history taking, long-term condition management, and discharge and aftercare planning. Communication technique, strategies and case examples about climate change will be tailored to the sociocultural context of the Caribbean region. Join us to learn how to listen to your patients, address their climate-related health concerns, and contribute to their overall well-being through informed and compassionate communication.
Session 3: Climate Communication with Media Channels • November 13, 2024
Featuring: Coming soon!
Communication and translation of science has an essential role to play in provoking a response to climate change and motivating people to get involved to take action. Scientific voices in the Caribbean and beyond struggle to highlight climate change as a public health threat to a general audience. Lack of attention on the topic and inefficient messaging prevent the media from broadcasting the urgent need for a collective response to the climate emergency.
This session aims to give an insight about the key role of the media and communications in addressing themes relating to climate change and transmitting information to the public in order to take action. Communication experts will inform how to best share information about climate change in an engaging and motivating way to a diverse audience. Additionally, participants will learn how to effectively message for change through various communication channels and media. There’s hope and health professionals are our most trusted messengers!
Session 4: How to Write a Policy Brief • February 12, 2024
Featuring: Coming soon!
Description: As the health impacts of climate change unfold, there are multiple ways to get involved–at your health facility, in your communities, or in your government. Learn from climate advocates working in each of these spaces how powerful your voice can be. You’ll also learn where to go to build your skills and find support for your climate action journey.
In this session, participants will learn effective strategies for engaging with their communities to promote climate action. The session will explore the work of climate action community groups and collaborative initiatives to better understand the role of advocacy and health equity in creating impactful change. Attendees will learn methods for connecting with their audience, considering their unique spheres of influence to tailor their approach and leverage their health professional voice. The session will also guide participants in identifying their network and potential partners, as well as developing a comprehensive plan of action to maximize community engagement and drive sustainable climate solutions.
Contact: Haley Campbell (she/her),