High levels of fertility and unwanted pregnancy persist throughout sub-Saharan Africa, with dire consequences for women and children. In the 1990s, the “Navrongo Experiment,” a family planning project of Ghana’s Navrongo Health Research Centre, dramatically reduced fertility and saved lives. So effective was the program that it was scaled up nationally through the Community-based Health Planning and Services or CHPS.
Five years ago, seeking to address issues that had hindered scale up and fill programming gaps, the Ghana Health Service (GHS) developed the Ghana Essential Health Intervention Project (GEHIP). GEHIP developed activities that further reduced neonatal and maternal mortality and is now poised to share its programming and lessons learned through a new initiative— A National Program for Strengthening the Implementation of the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Initiative in Ghana or CHPS+.
While CHPS+ aims to revitalize the provision of door-to-door family planning services, this program lacks essential social and community supports that were critical to the family planning (FP) successes in Navrongo.
CHPS+FP, aims to create an innovative and scalable intervention that will fill these gaps and enhance the FP service model created by CHPS. The project will take place in Ghana’s Northern Region, where the unmet need for contraception is high.