Climate and Health Rapid Response

Climatic changes are having escalating impacts on human health around the world through unprecedented extreme events, shifting atmospheric and oceanic conditions, and attendant effects on the agricultural, ecological and economic systems. As changes and unprecedented events occur, public and clinical health expert assessment and guidance is sorely needed both to coordinate responses as well as educate regional practitioners and capitalize on opportunities to strengthen health systems moving forward.

The Rapid Response for Climate and Health initiative harnesses the deep connectivity and expertise within the Consortium network to convene regional health experts around emergent climate and health challenges. Expert discussions are hosted by the GCCHE and Consortium members yet are free and open to the public.

Past Events

Wildfires in the Mediterranean - September 29, 2021 11am EST/ 6 pm EEST

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The Mediterranean has become a “climate hotspot,” with record heat and drought driving some of the most intense blazes on record for the region. These highly interconnected climate risks have resulted in compounding environmental health exposures for the region’s inhabitants. This webinar seeks to elevate the health voice by bringing together clinical, public health and emergency response experts to assess emerging health impacts and explore opportunities for bolstering health system responses to safeguard human health.


Dr. Charalampia V. Geladari, MD - President, Hellenic Society for the Environment and Climate Medicine

Dr. Nadim Farajalla, PhD - Director, Climate Change and the Environment Program at Issam Fares Institute at the American University of Beirut

Dr. Umit Sahin, PhD - Senior Scholar, Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University, Co-founder of the Association of the Doctors for the Environment

Hurricane Ida - September 9, 2021 12 EST

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Experts in health and disaster preparedness will discuss the increased frequency and severity of extreme storms, like Hurricane Ida, and how communities and governments can build resilience toward future events. 


Dr. Irwin Redlener, MD - Pediatrician, Founding Director, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Columbia University

Dr. Adam Sobel, PhD Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Applied Physics and Math, Columbia University

Dr. Klaus Jacob, PhD - Special Research Scientist, Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), The Earth Institute

Dr. Mona Sarfaty, MD - Director of the Program on Climate and Health, George Mason University;  Director of the Medical Society Consortim on Climate and Health

Wildfires and Health - August 31, 2021 12pm MT/2pm EST

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Across the country, skies have filled with smoke from large wildfires in the Western United States and Canada, threatening communities and health systems. 

Our panel of clinicians and public health experts will discuss emerging health impacts and opportunities for bolstering public health system responses and safeguarding human health


Dr. Anthony Gerber, MD, PhD - Pulmonologist, National Jewish Health, Division of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Denver, Colorado 

Colleen Reid, PhD, MPH - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty Fellow, Insitute of Behavioral Health Sciences, and Research Affiliate, Earth Lab, University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado.

James Crooks, PhD - Research Faculty, National Jewish Health, Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics.

Heatwaves in the Pacific Northwest - August 26, 2021 3pm PT/6pm EST

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Climate Change is having escalating impacts on human health and contributing to unprecedented heatwaves this summer in the Pacific Northwest. Our panel of regional clinicians and public health experts will discuss emerging health and health system impacts, the climate science behind the event and opportunities for bolstering public health response.



Dr. Kris Ebi, PhD - Professor in the Center for Health and the Global Environment

Dr. Jeremy Hess, MD, MPH - Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Global Health and Emergency Medicine at the University of Washington. 

Louise Aubin, MPH - Director of division of Health Protection, Peel Public Health, Canada

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