Data Visualization for Communication
On March 20th, 2019, Dr. Alberto Cairo, Knight Chair in Visual Journalism and Associate Professor at University of Miami's School of Communication, led a full-day, data visualization executive education seminar for select students, faculty and healthcare professionals.
In the past two decades, data visualization has been adopted by varied disciplines to explore, analyze, and present data to audiences of different kinds. This progress, however, hasn't been paired with a better and widespread understanding of the core principles of visualization design, particularly for communication with broad audiences. Dr. Cairo’s innovative and timely seminar focused on tools and techniques that have opened the door to a new generation of visualization designers, analysts, and scientists.
Dr. Cairo has kindly provided the Lerner Center with the workshop slides, as well as, additional data visualization readings and resources. We hope these resources help you to develop your data visualization skills!
Thank you to everyone who attended this event! If you missed it, watch the workshop recording here!
Data Visualization for Communication with Dr. Alberto Cairo
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 Room 532, 5th Floor, Mailman School of Public Health9:00 Doors open: Light Breakfast Buffet
9:30 Welcome and Introductions (Gina Wingood)
Introduction to Visualization
Modern Tools: An Overview
Visualization for Exploration
12:30 Lunch Buffet
1:30 Visualization for Communication
Principles on Choosing Graphic Forms
Visual Design for Non-designers
Exercises and Feedback
4:30 Closing