Undergraduate 4 + 1 Programs

Columbia Public Health offers dual degree 4+1 programs in which a student earns a Bachelor’s degree from their undergraduate college then continues on to an accelerated Masters of Public Health (MPH) program at Columbia Public Health. Accepted students spend the fall semester of their senior year at Columbia Public Health and take the multidisciplinary Core Curriculum. Students then return to their college for the spring semester of their senior year.

Once the student graduates from their undergraduate college, they enter the Columbia Public Health program that includes a year of coursework, thesis work and a practicum. The practicum will occur in the summer following the Columbia Public Health MPH year.

Participating Colleges

Columbia Public Health participates in dual-degree "4+1" BA/MPH programs with the following colleges:


All students are expected to have at least one semester of calculus, statistics or other appropriate quantitative course.

A minimum GPA of 3.5 is required.

Additional prerequisites for particulary MPH disciplines include: 

  • Biostatistics requires a total of one year of calculus.
  • Environmental Health Sciences requires one year of both chemistry and biology.

Application Process

Before you apply you will need to identify a Department of Interest. Browse the Department pages to identify the area of study that's right for you. Some departments have different admission requirements for their programs.

Applications components include:

Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose

Please submit a personal statement/statement of purpose of no more than 500 words. Your statement should address:

  • Why are you applying to the Mailman School of Public Health?
  • What interests you about the department and degree you are applying to at the Mailman School of Public Health?
  • How do you hope to use your education from the Mailman School of Public Health to achieve your long-term career goals?

CV or Resume

Please send an up-to-date CV/resume that includes:

  • Educational degrees
  • Employment
  • Experiences (especially those related to public health)
  • Professional skills and accomplishments
  • Volunteer activities
  • Awards


Applicants will not need to provide transcripts as they will be shared by the school on the applicant’s behalf.  MSPH is confirming our ability to pull these transcripts and if not, could you provide them or should we amend this language?

Apply Here

Dickinson College applicants please contact Laura Kilko.

Additional Undergraduate Programming

Columbia Public Health also provides programming that serves undergradautes by introducing them to public health and environmental health studies. These include: