Dual Degrees

As part of Columbia University, the Mailman School puts the extraordinary resources of a world-renowned institution at your fingertips. The School fosters a multidisciplinary approach to public health through dual-degree master's programs offered in conjunction with other Columbia graduate schools. These programs provide Columbia MPH students with an opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and perspectives in fields beyond public health.
Applicants seeking admission to dual-degree studies must apply separately to each of the two collaborating schools and must meet the admissions requirements of both. Once both schools grant admission to the individual degree programs, the student may begin an integrated dual-degree program. Students considering dual-degree programs are strongly encouraged to apply to both schools as early as possible. You can either apply simultaneously to both schools or apply to the Columbia MPH once you are matriculated at the collaborating program. Students cannot apply for the dual degree program after beginning their studies at Columbia Public Health.
Programs Offered
The School currently offers ten dual-degree programs with the following Columbia affiliates:
DDS/MPH (College of Dental Medicine)
JD/MPH (School of Law)
MA/MPH (The Jewish Theological Seminary)
MBA/MPH (School of Business)
MIA/MPH; MPA/MPH (School of International and Public Affairs)
MD/MPH (College of Physicians and Surgeons)
MS in Bioethics/MPH (School of Professional Studies)
MSOT/MPH (Division of Occupational Therapy)
MSSW/MPH (School of Social Work)
MSUP/MPH (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation)
Please see additional information regarding dual-degree programs in the Mailman School Student Handbook.