Training Materials

Supportive Supervision Tools and Training Materials (2012)

Data Use Training Modules (2012)

Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) Training (2008)               

Post-Abortion Care (PAC) Training (2009)

Contraceptive Services Training (2009)


Supportive Supervision Tools and Training Materials

One of the key barriers to the provision of comprehensive RH services is the lack of supportive supervision. Ongoing supervision is an important means of improving the quality of FP and PAC services. Good supervision requires both a well-planned system and strong supervisors. Without proper systems in place to make sure ongoing supervision is carried out effectively, even the most motivated and skilled supervisors will not be able to provide support for good quality services.

The resources provided here include a supportive supervision manual, tools and training materials.



Supportive Supervision 314kb

Supervision Facilitante 335kb

Supportive Supervision Tools 20.5mb

Outils de Supervision Facilitante 17mb

SS Training Materials 286.2mb

Fomation Supervision Facilitante 630.4mb


Data Use Training Modules

Too often, health providers are required to collect large amounts of information, just to report it to ministries or donors without ever using it themselves. Similarly, program managers often collect data for various donors with differing objectives, but rarely use the data. Often, projects are collecting so many numbers that they find themselves overwhelmed and unable to truly use this information in any meaningful way.

These learning modules set out clear explanations and practice activities so that anyone who interacts with data in their day-to-day work will understand how to use this rich information to increase the overall quality and impact of their family planning (FP) and post-abortion care (PAC) service provision. 



Data Use Training Modules 3mb

Modules Utilisation des Donnees 1.7mb


Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) Training

Clinical Training for Reproductive Health in Emergencies: Emergency Obstetric Care is part of the clinical training package designed to prepare participants to manage obstetric emergencies and work effectively as members of an EmONC team. This manual is based on existing material and has been updated and adapted for use in emergency settings, and has been pretested at the RAISE Training Centre.

These manuals are intended to be used in a comprehensive training setting complete with clinical supervision and follow-up.

Download the two-page brochure on this course.

EmONC Training Manuals

English French
Participant Guide 1.2mb Guide du Participant 1.8mb
Protocols 212kb Protocoles 353kb
Trainer Guide 2.5mb Guide du Formateur 2.3mb

Print-friendly Versions

English French
Participant Guide 1.2mb Guide du Participant 1.5mb
Protocols 1.2mb Protocoles 486kb
Trainer Guide 1.2mb Guide du Formateur 2.3mb



Post-Abortion Care (PAC) Training

Clinical Training for Reproductive Health in Emergencies: Post-Abortion Care prepares participants to manage incomplete and unsafe abortion and to work effectively as a team. This manual, which is based on existing PAC material and updated and adapted for use in emergency settings, has been pretested at the RAISE Training Centre.

These manuals are intended to be used in a comprehensive training setting complete with clinical supervision and follow-up.

PAC Training Manuals



Participant Guide 1.4mb

Guide du Participant 1.4mb

Trainer Guide 1.6mb

Guide du Formateur 1.3mb

Print-friendly Versions



Participant Guide 684kb

Guide du Participant 840kb

Trainer Guide 869kb

Guide du Formateur 1.7mb

Contraceptive Services Training

Clinical Training for Reproductive Health in Emergencies: Family Planning serves as a reference guide for FP service providers working in emergency and crisis-affected settings. It is meant to be a companion to the World Health Organization's Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers.

These manuals are intended to be used in a comprehensive training setting complete with clinical supervision and follow- up.

FP Training Manuals




Participant Guide 2.5mb

Guide du Participant 1.5mb

Participant Guide 0.9mb

Trainer Guide 1.7mb

Guide du Formateur 1.2mb

Trainer Guide 2.2mb


Reference Guide 1.3mb

Print-friendly Versions



Participant Guide 1mb

Guide du Participant 1.2mb

Trainer Guide 1.5mb

Guide du Formateur 1.7mb


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