Advisory Council
The Advisory Council provides high-level, strategic guidance and direction to the GCCHE, and is comprised of global leaders on health education, climate change, and community resilience. The Advisory Council currently includes:
Chair: Linda P. Fried, MPH, MD, Dean of the Mailman School of Public Health and DeLamar Professor of Public Health, Professor Epidemiology and Medicine, Senior Vice President, Columbia University Medical Center;
Richard M. Adanu, MPH, FWACS, MB ChB, Dean, School of Public Health, University of Ghana, Professor of Women’s Reproductive Health and Consultant obstetrician gynecologist with the School of Public Health, University of Ghana and the University Hospital;
Laurent Chambaud, MD, Dean, Ecole des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP);
Carlos Dora, MD, PhD, Former Coordinator, Public Health and the Environment Department, World Health Organization;
Howard Frumkin, MD, DrPH, Professor Emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Washington;
Lynn R. Goldman, MD, MS, MPH, Dean, Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University, Professor Environmental and Occupational Health, George Washington University;
Jean-Francois Guégan, PhD, Senior Research Professor, Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD);
Andy Haines (Sir Andrew Paul Haines), MD, F Med Sci, Professor Environmental Change and Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM);
Keith Hansen, MPA, JD, Senior Adviser, The World Bank;
Alice C. Hill, JD, Senior Fellow for Climate Change Policy, Council on Foreign Relations;
Haidong Kan, MD, PhD, Professor Public Health and Environmental Sciences, Fudan University;
Linda A. McCauley, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAAOHN, Dean and Professor, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University;
Michael Myers, MA, Freelance, policy-related projects on social and racial justice, health and the environment;
Jonathan Patz, MD, MPH, Professor and John P. Holton Chair of Health and the Environment, Director, Global Health Institute, University of Wisconsin;
Jean-Marc de Royere, MBA, Senior Vice President, Corporate Sustainability Program (CSP), Air Liquide
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