JAPAN | Health Topics

There are multiple views on the strengths, weaknesses, and efficacy of Japan’s health care system. Below is a curated list of perspectives and insights on various topics that best illustrate the scope of debate. This information has been collected from academic, media, and industry sources from both within and outside of the country. It is not comprehensive. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and are not a reflection of the position of the Mailman School of Public Health or its faculty.
The articles are provided with the source first followed by the link to the article. All sources used for the policy library can be found under the Additional Resources tab.
Health Topics Included





The Nippon Communications Foundation | Cancer Remains Leading Cause of Death in Japan5


Hokkaido University Center for Environmental and Health Sciences | Indoor Air Quality and Health in Japan6


Health and Global Policy Institute | Japanese Health Insurance System7
Health and Global Policy Institute | Private Health Insurance in Japan8




Journal of the Japanese and International Economies | Childcare Availability, Fertility and Female Labor Force Participation in Japan11
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies | Childcare Availability and Fertility: Evidence from Municipalities in Japan12


Japan Medical Assocation | What Has Made Japan Healthy?16
McKinsey & Company | Improving Japan’s Healthcare System17


1. Du, L., & Oda, S. (2020, June 23). When the Virus Hit, Japan Already Had an Army of Contact Tracers. Bloomberg News. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-23/the-low-tech-way-that...

2. Coronavirus Puts Brakes on Fertility Treatment in Japan. (2020, May 15). Kyodo News. https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/05/7f4c3ac161da-coronavirus-puts....

3. Dooley, B., & Inoue, M. (2020, May 29). Testing Is Key to Beating Coronavirus, Right? Japan Has Other Ideas. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/29/world/asia/japan-coronavirus.html?sea....

4. Ramzy, A., & Ueno, H. (2019, February 22). Japan Battles Worst Measles Outbreak in Years. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/22/world/asia/japan-measles-outbreak.htm...

5. Cancer Remains Leading Cause of Death in Japan. (2018, June 11). The Nippon Communications Foundation. https://www.nippon.com/en/features/h00211/.

6. Indoor Air Quality and Health. Hokkaido University Center for Environmental and Health Sciences. https://www.cehs.hokudai.ac.jp/en/project/pro03/.

7. Health Insurance System. Japan Health Policy NOW. http://japanhpn.org/en/hs1/.

8. Private Health Insurance. Japan Health Policy NOW. http://japanhpn.org/en/privateins/.

9. Matsuda, R. (2016). Public/Private Health Care Delivery in Japan: and Some Gaps in “Universal” Coverage. Global Social Welfare, 3(3), 201–212. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40609-016-0073-1 

10. Hanibuchi, T., Nakaya, T., & Honjo, K. (2016). Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in self-rated health, smoking, and physical activity of Japanese adults from 2000 to 2010. SSM - Population Health, 2, 662–673. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2016.09.002.

11Lee, G. H., & Lee, S. P. (2014). Childcare Availability, Fertility and Female Labor Force Participation in Japan. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 32, 71–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjie.2014.01.002.

12. Fukai, T. (2017). Childcare availability and fertility: Evidence from municipalities in Japan. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 43, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjie.2016.11.003.

13. Ito, M. (2015, June 20). The True Cost of Fertility Treatment in Japan. The Japan Times. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2015/06/20/lifestyle/true-cost-fertili....

14. Graham, W. J. (2008). (rep.). Japan: Setting An Example To The World In Reducing Maternal Mortality. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/pmnch/media/news/2008/japanexample.pdf

15. Healthcare in Japan. Guide to Health Insurance and Healthcare System in Japan | InterNations GO! (2020, March 23). https://www.internations.org/go/moving-to-japan/healthcare.

16. Kondo N. (2014). What Has Made Japan Healthy?: -Contributions of local and governmental health policies-. Japan Medical Association journal : JMAJ, 57(1), 24–27.

17. Henke, N., Kadonaga,, S., & Kanzler, L. (2009, March 1). Improving Japan’s Health Care System. McKinsey Quarterly. https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare-systems-and-services/our-....

18. Japan's Healthcare Paradox - High Culture, High Tech, High Quality but Low Sustainability. (2018, April 5). PR Newswire Association LLC. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/japans-healthcare-paradox---hig....

19. Zhang, X., & Oyama, T. (2016). Investigating the health care delivery system in Japan and reviewing the local public hospital reform. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 21. https://doi.org/10.2147/rmhp.s93285.

20. Otake, T. (2017, February 19). Japan's Buckling Health Care System at a Crossroads. The Japan Times. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/02/19/national/japans-buckling-he....

21. Paolo fromTOKYO. YouTube. (2019, February 1). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCixD9UbKvDxzGNiPC_fgHyA.

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