On The Horizon: Climate Scientists Forecast the Flu

Nov. 29, 2017

Predicting the magnitude and timing of outbreaks has long been a guessing game, because the information we’ve had about influenza has been old and incomplete, lacking the underlying dynamics of how the virus spreads. But in recent years, scientists have developed methods drawn from computer modeling and weather forecasting to provide a more complete picture of these invisible forces.

Read the article here


100+ Schools Sign on to Teach Health Risks of Climate Change

Sep. 20, 2017

125 health professions schools and programs around the world have joined the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE) and committed to ensure future health professionals are educated on the health impacts of climate change. 

Read the article here


Extreme Heat Safety Quiz 

Aug. 22, 2017

Recent MPH graduates from the Climate and Health Program, Maggie Rice and Bora Chang, developed an interactive Extreme Heat Safety Quiz that is a part of the city's Environmental Health Data Portal during their time at the NYC DOHMH. The quiz is designed to inform New Yorkers of the dangers of extreme heat and how they can keep themselves and their loved ones safe.

Take the quiz here

Bitebytes: A mosquito-reporting smartphone app

Jun. 6, 2017

Julia Reis, post-doctoral research scientist, developed a smartphone application called BiteBytes as a tool for citizens to report mosquito activity, in collaboration with Eliza Little, Matt Brennan, and Jeffrey Shaman. Crowd-sourced mosquito identification can be an additional source of information for monitoring and forecasting mosquito abundance anywhere that user engagement is high. Data generated from the app would allow cities to target key areas reduce mosquito abundance, and thus control the potential for the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. 

Read her blog

A Race to Develop Pollution Sensing Tech Plays Out in Oakland

Jun. 6, 2017

Darby Jack discusses the need for pollution monitoring as opposed to models in studying air pollution impacts on human health.

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Climate change: What's at stake for your health?

Apr. 24, 2017

Jeffrey Shaman talks about climate change and human health for StatNews.  He discusses how human civilization and development have relied on and been the beneficiaries of a relatively stable period of climate.  But the climate system is now shifting radically and will profoundly affect human health and wellbeing.

Watch the video


March 22, 2017

Jeffrey Shaman is interviewed on the WNYC Only Human podcast Flu-dunnit?  The story follows the staff of Only Human for 10 weeks as they participate in a respiratory virus study that combines elements of the Virome of Manhattan project and Rumi Chunara’s (NYU) GoViral project.

Listen to the podcast

How to predict flu outbreaks?

February 25, 2017

Jeffrey Shaman gave a talk for a Taste of Science event at Ryan’s Daughter, a bar in the Upper East Side, on January 24th. He discussed the uses of statistical models and environmental data in forecasting infectious diseases. He was joined by Dr. Nicole Bouvier from Mount Sinai, who discussed the biology of the flu virus.

Watch the video

In First, Scientists Forecast West Nile Virus Outbreaks

February 24, 2017

Forecasts could give public health officials more time to plan for mosquito control efforts

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Darby Jack discusses potential health benefits of cleaner cookstoves

February 23, 2017

PBS NewsHour Episode on Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study (GRAPHS)

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Global Consortium Formed to Educate Leaders on Climate and Health

February 6, 2017

Rockefeller-funded initiative to develop scientific and educational practices and model curricula for academic and non-academic audiences

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