Doctoral students
Daniel Carrion, PhD'19
Postdoctoral Fellow
Environmental Medicine & Public Health
Mount Sinai
Daniel Carrión completed his PhD in Environmental Health Sciences in the Climate and Health Program in July 2019. His doctoral thesis examined the impact of household air pollution on upper respiratory microbial carriage of infants, as well the socioecological determinants of biomass combustion amongst families in rural Ghana. He is now a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. In his current role, he is working in Dr. Allan Just’s research group to refine large-scale exposure models of temperature and air pollution using remotely sensed data, and conducting epidemiological analyses with those exposure datasets. He received a BA from Ithaca College and an MPH from New York Medical College.
Carlos Gould, PhD'21
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Stanford Earth
Carlos Gould completed his PhD in Environmental Health Sciences in the Climate and Health Program in July 2021. His thesis, titled “As the smoke clears: assessing the air pollution and health benefits of a nationwide transition to clean cooking fuels in Ecuador,” studies the impact of Ecuador’s nationwide transition from biomass to gas cooking, facilitated by long-standing subsidies, on air pollution exposure and children’s health. Weaving together tailored energy access surveys, state-of-the-science sensors, and administrative data, he shows that despite cheap and accessible cooking gas, a large portion of Ecuadorian households still use biomass for some of their daily cooking and heating needs, leading to air pollution exposure above health-based guidelines. Nonetheless, Carlos’s research shows that Ecuador’s investments in cooking gas subsidies over the last three decades have facilitated reductions in lower respiratory infection mortality among children under 5 years. Throughout his time at Columbia, Carlos built a research agenda focused on the potential for household energy transitions to address climate change and improve health by reducing air pollution exposure. In particular, he studied the adoption and use of cooking gas in India and evaluated the impacts of clean cooking interventions on air pollution exposure and health in Ghana. Carlos is now a Stanford Earth Postdoctoral Fellow where he investigates (1) the impacts of India’s ongoing clean cooking transition on air quality, health, and climate and (2) the health and climate benefits of clean-to-cleaner fuel transitions (e.g., from gas to renewable-based electricity).
Mike He, PhD'20
Postdoctoral Fellow
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Mike He completed his PhD in Environmental Health Sciences in the Climate and Health Program in July 2020. His doctoral thesis titled “Air Pollution and Adverse Health Effects: Assessing Exposure Windows and Sensitivity to Modeling Choices”, investigated the availability of air pollution monitors in China, the intermediate-term effects of air pollution on mortality, the sensitivity of epidemiologic estimates to the choice of exposure models, and the health impacts of climate change on air pollution. In addition, Mike has had productive collaborations both within Columbia with the Children’s Center for Environmental Health and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, as well as with outside of Columbia with colleagues at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Tsinghua University. Projects include evaluating the impact of the Clean Heat Program on air pollution levels in New York City, exploring the climate change impacts on air quality under potential future scenarios, as well as numerous air pollution epidemiologic studies in China.
Alex Heaney, PhD'19
Postdoctoral research fellow
UC Berkeley
Alex Heaney completed her PhD in the Climate and Health track of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the Mailman School of Public Health in April 2019. For her dissertation, entitled ‘Predicting under-5 diarrhea outbreaks in Botswana: Understanding the relationships between environmental variability and diarrhea transmission,’ she developed a forecasting system for diarrhea in the Chobe region of Botswana. In addition, she has submitted a paper focusing on the effects of temperature and climate change on bikeshare usage in New York City. Lastly she worked on a project exploring the relationship between wildfire emissions and respiratory and cardiovascular health in California. Alex recently began postdoctoral training at UC Berkeley School of Public Health.
Sarah Kramer, PhD'20
Postdoc research scientist
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
Berlin, Germany
Sarah Kramer completed her PhD in Environmental Health Sciences in the Climate and Health Program in July 2020. For her thesis, entitled "Forecasting influenza in Europe and globally: the role of absolute humidity and human travel, and the potential for use in public health decision making," she first developed and assessed influenza forecasting systems for 64 countries, including 18 with tropical or subtropical climates. She then explored the utility of accounting for human travel, including air travel and commmuting, when generating forecasts in Europe. She also generated real-time forecasts of influenza for 37 countries over the course of 3 influenza seasons, and published these forecasts online. Finally, she assessed familiarity with and use of models and forecasts among public health practitioners in the United States. Sarah also had the opportunity to share her real-time forecasting results with representatives from the WHO and other modelers around the world through regular conference calls, and was invited to give a talk at the WHO's headquarters in Geneva. Additionally, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, she helped to analyze coronavirus diversity among bats in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
Stephen Lewandowski, PhD'22
Assistant Professor
Uniformed Services University
Stephen Lewandowski completed his PhD in Environmental Health Sciences in the Climate and Health Program in July 2022. His thesis examined the impact of environmental parameters on heat illness outcomes over different timescales and assessed heat stress risk factors in a military population. He serves as a US Army Medical Service Corps officer and teaches in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences with a focus on exposure science and environmental health risk assessment.
Eliza Little, PhD'17
Postdoctoral research scientist
Center for Vector Biology & Zoonotic Diseases at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Eliza Little completed her PhD in the Climate and Health Program in May 20127. She holds a Bachelors in Wildlife Biology from McGill and Masters in Ecology and Public Health through a joint masters program at Yale. At Columbia she studied the climatological and socio-ecological drivers of mosquito abundance and mosquito-borne disease risk.
Victoria Lynch, PhD'22
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Mailman School of Public Health
Tory Lynch completed her PhD in Environmental Health Sciences in the Climate and Health Program in August 2022. Her thesis, “Quantifying the effect of extreme and seasonal floods on waterborne disease in the US,” examined the association between flooding and 10 waterborne pathogens with a particular focus on Legionnaires' disease. A primary component of this work was to characterize the different flood types that occur throughout the US (e.g. floods related to cyclonic storms, river floods, flash floods, etc.) by using a range of meteorological variables to define flooding. Her work found that hospitalizations for specific pathogens were positively associated with distinct flood-indicator variables. She also studied the effect of tropical cyclonic storms on cases of waterborne diseases in the Eastern US.
Elisaveta Petkova, DrPH‘14
Columbia Science Fellow
Columbia University
Dr. Petkova joined the research team of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) at the Earth Institute. She worked on projects related to environmental health policy, public health preparedness and response to natural disasters, radiological safety and the human health impacts of climate change. Prior to joining NCDP, she spent four years at the Columbia Climate and Health Program with Dr. Patrick Kinney where she carried out multidisciplinary research on the population health impacts of air pollution and temperature extremes. Dr. Petkova has also served as a consultant on a variety of initiatives related to environmental health risk assessment, communication and management.
Ashlinn Quinn, PhD'16
Health Scientist
Fogarty International Center
National Institutes of Health
Ashlinn Quinn completed her PhD in the Climate and Health track of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the Mailman School of Public Health in May 2016. Ashlinn holds a BA with dual majors in Psychology and Music at UC Berkeley and an MA in Anthropology at the University of Chicago. She studied the health impacts of climate change adaptation strategies, indoor environmental conditions, and the health effects of indoor cookstoves.
Sebastian Rowland, PhD'22
PSE Health Energy
Sebastian Rowland completed his PhD in May 2022. His thesis, titled, “The Twin Crises of Climate Change and Air Pollution: Characterizing the Acute Cardiovascular Effects of Temperature and Uncertainties of Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations” examines the health effects of short-term temperature exposure and models fine particulate matter concentrations. His studies demonstrate that increases in hour temperature and daily temperature variability increase the risk of heart attacks and ischemic strokes. He also constructed a nationwide, uncertainty-aware model of annual fine particulate concentrations that leveraged the unique strengths of already-developed models, and examined the distribution of predictive uncertainty to inform future monitoring efforts.
Israel Ukawuba, PhD'21
Florence Levy Kay Postdoctoral Fellow
Brandeis University
Israel Ukawuba completed his PhD in Environmental Health Sciences in the Climate and Health Program in July 2021. His thesis work, "Use of climate in a simple entomological framework to improve dynamic simulation and forecast of malaria transmission" developed a parsimonious, dynamical model for malaria transmission, with direct climate modulation of the ecology of the malaria parasite and vector. He identified important ecological pathways by which climate drives local transmission and used this climate-based model to explain malaria variability over several seasons across local communities in sub-Saharan Africa. He also developed a novel dynamical forecasting system for malaria incidence based on the climate-driven model and a highly promising forecasting framework. With this system, he generated real-time forecast of malaria incidence for 42 communities and 5 regions in a malaria endemic country. Israel is now a postdoc at the Heller School, Brandeis University, where he will be teaching and researching infectious disease epidemiology.
Kate Weinberger, PhD’15
Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia
Kate Weinberger is the first PhD graduate of the Climate and Health Program. During her five years in the program, Kate participated in interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Fordham University, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and the MSPH Department of Epidemiology. Her dissertation characterizes both the temporal and the spatial distribution of tree pollen in New York City andexamines how these distributions are linked to allergic disease outcomes, including the development of allergic sensitization and the exacerbation of allergic asthma. Her work highlights the importance of understanding these relationships as massive urban tree planting programs progress, and as the length and severity of the pollen season change in response to increased temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations. As a postdoc at Brown, she examined vulnerability to extreme temperatures and storms in New England.
Ruthie Birger
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale School of Public Health
Ruthie is a postdoctoral associate at Yale School of Public Health in the Pitzer Lab and holds an adjunct postdoctoral position at Columbia in the Shaman Lab. During her time as an Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellow in the Shaman Lab, she worked on several projects, including an analyses on the prevalence of asymptomatic infection in ambulatory populations as part of the Virome of Manhattan study, a modeling analysis of within-host HIV dynamics among neonates, and several other infectious disease modeling efforts. In her current post, she is continuing her involvement on several projects related to the Virome of Manhattan study while beginning work at Yale on modeling strategies their cost-effectiveness for the new Typhoid conjugate vaccine.
Katrin Burkart
Assistant Professor
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
University of Washington
Katrin Burkart received her doctorate from the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. Her major research interests focus on the effects of weather and climate on human health. She is particularly interested in how these effects are modified by different atmospheric and non-atmospheric influences. At Columbia, her research aimed at projecting future heat-related mortality in Bangladesh under different climate change scenarios, considering trends such as population aging, urbanization and epidemiological transition. At IHME, she is conducting research on environmental risks and methods to include exposure to suboptimal temperature into the Global Burden of Disease.
Zach Burt
T32 Postdoc Fellow 2016-19
Senior Economist
Athena Infonomics
Zachary Burt earned his PhD at the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley in 2015. At Columbia Zachary worked on five research projects: (1) in Rwanda, in collaboration with Pivot Works Ltd, he designed and implemented a willingness-to-pay study for improved fecal sludge collection services (2) in Morocco, in collaboration with Harvard University, he designed and implemented a project aiming to encourage conservation of water resources by creating a ‘water savings credit’ (WSC) program (3) in India, during a 9-month Fulbright Fellowship, he collected ward level health data, in order to build a model of health risk due to flooding across the socio-economic spectrum (4) in India, he developed a tool for tracking equity in sanitation systems. Zach joined Athena Infonomics as a Senior Economist, working on projects in water and sanitation, incorporating aspects of gender, social inequity, climate impacts and affordability.
Katherine Crocker
T32 Postdoc Fellow 2018-20
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Katherine Crocker earned her PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan. There, she developed crickets as a model system to research the mechanisms and consequences of inherited nongenetic effects, particularly those resulting from dietary stress and social conditions. As a fellow in the Climate and Health Program, she worked to identify effects of food insecurity and parental stress on the descendants of the stressed individuals. Katherine’s work combines computational epigenetics (using human-generated data) with laboratory studies on vertebrate and invertebrate species. The central goal of her work was to identify environmental risk factors that can have disproportionately negative future effects, which in turn can be used to inform public health policy and approaches.
Rea Dabelic
Senior Field Application Scientist
10X Genomics
Rea was a post-doctoral and then associate research scientist at Columbia University from 2013-15. She received her PhD in Microbiology and Cell Science at the University of Florida, where she studied the immune response to viruses and developed antiviral therapies. At Columbia University she focused on innate immunology of viral infections, the prevalence of respiratory viruses in the environment, and how environmental conditions affect the viability of these pathogens.
Nicholas DeFelice
Assistant Professor
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Nicholas DeFelice completed his doctorate in environmental science and engineering at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health. His dissertation research examined the intersection of infrastructure, environmental exposures, and public health by constructing mathematical models to quantify the burden of disease attributable to exposure to contaminated drinking water in North Carolina. Through these models, he explored how changes in public policies affect the probability of harm from contamination. At Columbia, his work focus is the development of dynamic disease transmission models in conjunction with data assimilation methods to generate ensemble-based predictions of West Nile virus and other vector-borne infectious diseases.
Chuanxi Fu
Guangzhou CDC
Chuanxi Fu was a visiting post-doctoral research fellow at Columbia from 2015-16. He studied herd protection from rotavirus vaccination in low coverage areas. Other research topics of interest include research into the rates at which maternal antibodies (hand-foot-mouth disease, measles, polio and meningitis) in infants wane.
Melissa Gervais
Postdoctoral research scientist 2015-17
Assistant Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Pennsylvania State University
Melissa completed her PhD at McGill University in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. At Columbia, Melissa conducted global climate model experiments to investigate the dynamical mechanisms by which changes in North Atlantic sea surface temperatures may impact European winter weather.
John Bosco Kalule
Bosco is a veterinarian and microbiologist with a special interest in One Health approaches to investigate infectious disease. He earned his PhD in Medical Microbiology from the University of Cape Town (South Africa) in 2017 and completed his post-doctoral fellowship under Dr. Micaela Martinez working on transmission models for outbreak-prone high and low S.Typhi transmission settings in Uganda.
Maryam Karimi
T32 Postdoc Fellow 2016-18
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
University of Alabama School of Public Health
Maryam completed her PhD at the Graduate Center of City University of New York in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science. Her research is focused on identifying environmental risk and social vulnerability associated with the impact of air pollution caused by urban development and transportation. She has developed and deployed a suite of novel approaches for measuring and mapping the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of meteorological conditions and impact of air pollution in the urban environment.
Victoria Lee, PhD
Earth Institute Postdoc Fellow 2014-17
Teaching Associate in Architecture
University of Cambridge
Victoria Lee received her PhD in Architecture from the University of Cambridge. Her dissertation focused on exploring new ways to assess and predict the indoor thermal environment, with a particular interest in health implications. Her research at Columbia examined the association between building types, environmental conditions and sleep quality.
Ying Li, PhD
Earth Institute Postdoc Fellow 2011-14
Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Department of Environmental Health
College of Public Health
East Tennessee State University
Dr. Li collaborated with Dr. Patrick Kinney on two projects at Columbia University: 1) assessing the health impacts of PM2.5 air quality regulation in the US, and 2) assessing the co-benefits of greenhouse gas reduction in the transportation section in Beijing, China. She recently joined the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at East Tennessee State University as an Assistant Professor. She will be teaching Human Ecology in Fall 2014 and Environmental Analysis in Spring 2015. Her future research will continue to focus on health impact assessment for ambient air pollution.
Jaime Madrigano
Earth Institute Postdoc Fellow 2011-13
Associate Policy Researcher
RAND Corporation
Dr. Jaime Madrigano’s research focuses on vulnerability to environmental exposures, with a specific focus on air pollution and weather. As an Earth Institute postdoctoral research fellow, Dr. Madrigano collaborated with Dr. Patrick Kinney. She investigated the relationship between air pollutants, temperature, and mortality, with a particular focus on investigating the role of neighborhood social and environmental characteristics in heat wave-related mortality. She also conducted an interdisciplinary study on risk perception and decision-making in climate change and public health in collaboration with researchers at the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions at Columbia University. Dr. Madrigano continues her work as an assistant professor at the School of Public Health at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Jennifer Nguyen
T32 Postdoc Fellow 2014-16
Director of Health Outcomes
Kantar Health
Jennifer received her ScD in Environmental Health and Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, where she studied the correlation between indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity exposure, and weather as a trigger of arrhythmias. At Columbia, Jennifer expanded on her research to consider influenza. In collaboration with mentors Drs. Patrick Kinney and Dr. Jeff Shaman and researchers from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, she investigated the inter-relationship between weather, influenza, and cardiac outcomes in NYC. Jennifer continues to explore the link between the environment and health as a data scientist at Delos.
Julia Reis
Postdoctoral Research Scientist 2014-17
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Virginia Tech
Julia Reis completed her doctorate in water resources engineering at the University of Virginia. At Columbia, Julia developed model-inference systems to generate skillful, ensemble-based predictions of respiratory syncytial virus and other respiratory pathogens.
James Tamerius
Earth Institute Postdoc Fellow 2011-13
Assistant Professor
Department of Geographical and Sustainable Science
Iowa University
Dr. James Tamerius studies the relationships between climate and human health. As an Earth Institute postdoctoral research fellow Dr. Tamerius collaborated with Dr. Jeffrey Shaman. He investigated relationships between climate and influenza seasonality across temperate and tropical climates. He also participated on a study aimed at sampling airborne pathogens in subways and other public spaces in NYC; and he investigated the relationship between indoor and outdoor weather conditions across residences of NYC. Dr. Tamerius continues his work as an assistant professor at the University of Iowa in the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences.
Minhaz Ud-Dean
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Research Scientist Bioinformatics
Helmholtz Zentrum München
Minhaz studied Biotechnology at University of Dhaka. There he developed a biophysical model for the stability of airborne virus. Later he completed an Erasmus Mundus joint masters program at Delft University of Technology and at University of Jena. His doctorate was in chemical engineering on inferability and inference of gene regulatory networks at ETH Zurich. Further, he contributed to the interpretation and standardization of metabolomics data at Tuebingen University. At Columbia, Minhaz developed multi-factorial models for transmission of airborne virus.
Zheng Zhou, ScD
Postdoc Research Scientist
Principal Data Scientist
Capital One
Zheng received his ScD in Global Health and Population from Harvard University. As a postdoc research scientist at Columbia, he worked on the Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study (GRAPHS) under Dr. Darby Jack. He assessed personal exposure to household air pollution from burning biomass fuels, specifically examining the relationship between PM2.5 and carbon monoxide exposure. He has taken on a new role as a Data Scientist at Capital One.
Zoe Anderson
Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Zoe Anderson received a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health Studies at Johns Hopkins University in 2017. She is a pre-medical student who has an interest in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in third world countries in the West Indies. Additionally, she wishes to contribute to research demonstrating how different immediate environmental conditions correlates to specific cardiovascular diseases in different communities. With Dr. Shaman, Zoe was a Laboratory Technician on a project studying respiratory virus symptomology within specific areas of Manhattan.
Mary Boyle
Pediatric Resident
Department of Pediatrics
Jacobi Medical Center
Mary Boyle received her medical degree from the University of Dublin, Trinity College in 2009 and practiced medicine in Ireland, the UK, and Australia, specializing in Pediatrics. She undertook a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2012, and was an Accelerated MPH Student in the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health 2014-15. With Dr. Shaman, she acted as Study Coordinator on his three-year project, “The Virome of Manhattan: a Testbed for Radically Advancing Understanding and Forecast of Viral Respiratory Infections.”
Jesus Cantu
PhD student
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program
University of Chicago
Jesus received his BA in Sociology from Princeton University and was the Martinez Lab Manager and Research Associate. He is interested in transmission dynamics and control of infectious diseases, as well as implementation of cutting-edge epidemiological/ statistical modelling in the analysis of big data for use in population health management. His previous research has focused on measuring the impact of migration on varicella transmission along the US-Mexico border. He analyzed the relationship between changing infant vaccination and breastfeeding rates and the incidence of flu-related hospitalizations among US children. At Columbia, he built a dynamic transmission model to estimate the efficacy of the varicella vaccine.
Kai Chen, PhD
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Yale School of Public Health
Kai received his PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering in 2016 from Nanjing University in China. During 2014-2015, he served as a Visiting Scholar at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health under Dr. Patrick Kinney. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Fellow at Helmholtz Zentrum München-German Center for Environmental Health. Kai's research focuses on the intersection of climate change, air pollution, and human health. His work involves applying multidisciplinary approaches in climate and air pollution sciences, exposure assessment, and environmental epidemiology to investigate how climate change may impact human health.
Devon Comito
PhD student
UC Berkeley
Devon Comito received her BS in Biology and MS in Physiological Science from UCLA. Her previous research focused on neuroendocrinology and avian biology. At Columbia, she was a laboratory technician for the “Virome of Manhattan” project.
Theresah Fiagbe
Bronx Care
Theresah Fiagbe received her medical degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology, School of Medical Sciences, Ghana, in 2011. After completing medical school she practiced as a general and emergent care physician for 3 years and continued to pursue and complete an MPH in Epidemiology from the Mailman school of Public Health, Columbia University (2015-2016). At Columbia, Theresah worked with Dr. Shaman as Study Coordinator on his new three-year project, “The Virome of Manhattan: A Testbed for Radically Advancing Understanding and Forecast of Viral Respiratory Infections.”
Chelsea Grant
Chelsea received a Bachelors degree in neurobiology with a secondary focus in global health and health policy from Harvard University. She served as a Peace Corps Health Extension Volunteer in Cameroon, West Africa where she worked on a USAID funded project developing systems and services for orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS. Before starting at Columbia, Chelsea worked as a clinical research coordinator for the Hepatitis Outreach Network at Mount Sinai, a study geared towards understanding and reducing the prevalence of HBV and HCV in African-born immigrants in New York City. With Dr. Shaman, Chelsea was a research coordinator on a project studying respiratory virus symptomology in Northern Manhattan.
Sadiat Ibrahim, MPH
Clinical Research Coordinator
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Columbia University
Sadiat Ibrahim obtained her Medical Degree from Igbinedion University Okada, Nigeria in 2012. She has since practiced medicine as a Medical officer in the biggest General Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria, after which she served as the only Medical Doctor in a Primary Healthcare center in Lagos. She completed her MPH degree in the General Public Health department at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in 2016. With Dr. Shaman, she has worked as a Study Coordinator for his study, “The Virome of Manhattan: A Testbed for Radically Advancing Understanding and Forecast of Viral Respiratory Infections,” helping with data entry, swabbing and administering surveys to study participants.
Michael Lam
Clinical Research Coordinator
Department of Medicine, Columbia
Michael earned his bachelor’s degree in Psychology from University at Buffalo in 2017. During the summers of college, he received his certification as an EMT from St. John's University and worked in high risk neighborhoods in Queens and Brooklyn. After college, he became a full time Case Manager in a transitional housing, where he worked with clients battling infectious diseases, mental illness, and domestic abuse, to access proper medical attention and housing. At Columbia, Michael worked with Dr. Shaman on a study to understand biomarkers that may determine the outcome of a respiratory infection.
Benjamin Lane
Research Assistant
Department of Surgery
Columbia University
Ben graduated from the University of Vermont in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in microbiology. He previously worked at the CDC developing an In Situ hybridization assay to enhance the detection of the bacterium Streptobacillus Moniliformis in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. At Columbia, he worked as a research technician to advance the understanding and forecast of viral respiratory infections in Manhattan.
Ruiyun Li, PhD
Research Associate
Imperial College London
Ruiyun Li completed her PhD at Beijing Normal University, pursuing interdisciplinary work studying biogeography and the environmental determinants of infectious disease transmission. She was a China Scholarship Council Doctoral Candidate at Columbia. She is presently enrolled in the doctoral program of the Department of Global Change and Earth System Science at Beijing Normal University, and is pursuing interdisciplinary work studying biogeography and the environmental determinants of infectious disease transmission. Her research focus at Imperial College London is on evaluating the additional impact of new strategies and diagnostic tools on transmission and local elimination of malaria.
Chanel Ligon
Medical Student
Columbia University
Chanel Ligon received her BA in Biology at Swarthmore College. Previous research projects include developing a reporter mycobacteriophage to diagnose Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and exploring heart progenitor cell development in Ciona Intestinalis. In the Shaman Group, she worked as a Research Technician on the “Virome of Manhattan” project.
Miaomiao Liu
Miaomiao Liu was a two-year visiting research scholar working under Dr. Patrick Kinney. She started her PhD in fall of 2014 at the School of the Environment, Nanjing University, China. She received her BA in Environmental Science from Nanjing University in 2012. Her previous research focused on the spatial-temporal characteristics of health and well-being impacts attributable to air pollution in China and its nexus with socio-economic determinants like urbanization and industrialization. At Columbia, she continued these research, while exploring the impacts of China’s climate.
Dona Sangapalaarachchi
Clinical Research Coordinator
Department of Medicine, Columbia
Dona received her M.D. in General Medicine from Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy in Russia. She was a practicing physician in anesthesiology/ intensive care and ER for the last ten years and she did her post graduate studies in anesthesiology in Sri Lanka. During her work in the ICU she engaged in hospital-based research in infectious diseases in dengue hemorrhagic fever and leptospirosis and studied the severity of clinical outcomes associated with patient admission time to the hospital. She earned herECFMG certification after completing United States Medical Licensing Exams. With Dr. Shaman, Dona worked on a project studying symptom response to respiratory viral infections.
Atinuke Shittu, MPH
Atinuke Shittu obtained her medical degree from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria in 2013. She completed her medical internship at the premier tertiary hospital in Nigeria, the University College Hospital, Ibadan in 2014, after which she proceeded to work as a community physician in Ilesa, a town Southwestern Nigeria. In 2016, she completed her MPH degree in the Health Policy and Management at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. With Dr. Shaman, she has worked as a Study Coordinator for his study, “The Virome of Manhattan: A Testbed for Radically Advancing Understanding and Forecast of Viral Respiratory Infections,” helping with data entry, swabbing and administering surveys to study participants.
Hannah Smith
Medical Student
Oregon Health Sciences University
Hannah Smith received her BA in Biology from Reed College and was employed as a laboratory technician at Columbia University Medical Center. Her work as a laboratory technician involved developing protocols for managing and analyzing samples taken during respiratory virus surveillance.
Eudosie Tagne, MPH
Eudosie Tagne holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Bamako in Mali, and a Master of Public Health degree in Epidemiology from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University. She served the medically disadvantaged population in Africa as a physician, and showed an early interest in preventive medicine with a focus in infectious diseases. Over the years, she worked on different projects targeting infectious diseases such as poliomyelitis, malaria, HIV, and Tuberculosis. With Dr. Shaman, she currently acts as project coordinator for “The Virome of Manhattan: A Testbed for Radically Advancing Understanding and Forecast of Viral Respiratory Infections.”
Mariam Youssef
Research Coordinator
Columbia University Department of Pediatrics
Mariam received her MD from Egypt. She has a Masters degree in Medical Microbiology and Immunology and has worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University, Egypt. She has been certified with the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology (CBIC). Her previous research focused on studying multidrug resistance bacteria related to urinary tract infection. With Dr. Shaman, Mariam was a lab manager and worked on a project studying the clinical symptomatology and viral shedding of respiratory viral infections associated with host transcription factors.