
Environmental and Molecular Epidemiology 

Investigates the health effects and relevant molecular mechanisms of environmental exposures as they affect human populations in real-world settings. 

EHS Faculty


Andrea Baccarelli
Chair and Professor 

Frederica Perera

Joan Casey
Assistant Professor

Matthew Perzanowski
Associate Professor

Julie Herbstman 
Associate Professor

Tiffany Sanchez 
Assistant Professor

Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou
Assistant Professor

Hui-Chen Wu
Assistant Professor

Ana Navas-Acien 




EHS Affiliates


Pam Factor-Litvak
Department of Epidemiology

Parisa Tehranifar
Department of Epidemiology

Jeanine Genkinger
Department of Epidemiology  

Jasmine McDonald
Department of Epidemiology