Meet the SPHSP Scholars

The Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP) is pleased to welcome our alumni into the corner. SPHSP has fostered the growth of program alumni over the years.

2018 Program Alumni Profiles

November 2019 Alumni Spotlight

Meet our Scholars

Please see our Alumni Profiles to learn more about our students and their successes and aspirations. 

Summer 2023 Cohort

Summer 2024 Cohort


SPHSP Alumni! Don't forget to join our alumni LinkedIn group here!

Opportunities for Alumni

SPHSP would like to keep our alumni up to date on opportunities for scholarships, enrichment programs, fellowships, etc. There are various opportunities available nationwide.

We are happy to support the continued success of our alumni by offering letters of recommendation to graduate programs, research programs, etc. In order to request a letter of recommendation please refer to our policy

Fellowships and Internships