Howard Friedman

  • Adjunct Professor of Health Policy and Management

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My research covers areas of Machine Learning, Applied Statistics and Health Economics. Within the public sector, I work at UNFPA focusing where some of my key work has been in the area of health costing including the development of the OneHealth Tool and the Impact40 toolkit. I led the technical aspects of our UN agency's development of investment cases also support the development and analysis of national and sub-national health strategic plans. I was a director of modeling at Capital One and later led many retrospective data studies involving health economics and outcomes research and developed Machine learning courses for the private sector. 

My books on public policy include 2012's Measure of a Nation, healthcare 2020's Ultimate Price and textbooks related applied statistics. My peer-review publications focus mostly on health economics and outcomes research.      

Academic Appointments

  • Adjunct Professor of Health Policy and Management


Health economics and outcomes research including applications of machine learning

Selected Publications

Sweeny K, Howard Friedman HS, Sheehan P, Shi H, A Health System–Based Investment Case for Adolescent Health, Journal of Adolescent Health, July 2019.

P Sheehan, K Sweeny, B Rasmussen, A Wils, HS Friedman, J Mahon, et al. Building the foundations for sustainable development: a case for global investment in the capabilities of adolescents The Lancet 2017

Friedman, Howard Steven, Ultimate Price, UC Press, 2020

Stenberg, K., Axelson, H., Sheehan, P., Anderson, I., Glmezoglu, A. M., Temmerman, M., Friedman HS, & Bustreo, F. Advancing social and economic development by investing in womens and childrens health: a new Global Investment Framework. The Lancet, 12 April 2014 ( Vol. 383, Issue 9925, Pages 1333-1354 ).

Friedman, Howard Steven, Measure of a Nation, Prometheus Books, 2012