News Search: Population and Family Health
A symposium marked the 25th anniversary of the Columbia Mailman Program on Forced Migration and Health.
Day of Service took place Friday, April 19, highlighting the School’s commitment to community engagement.
People with a history of cognitively stimulating occupations during their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s had a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment.
Aging and Healthy Longevity
April marks STI Awareness Month.
Child and Adolescent Health
Low-income areas with high proportions of older people had lower coverage rates than wealthier areas in the first three months of vaccine rollout and higher mortality over the year.
MPH student Tyler Nichols writes about his public health education in and out of the classroom.
Faculty at the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health are active in the Washington Heights community.
Child and Adolescent Health
An accountability framework, including independent monitoring of state compliance, is critical for the pandemic agreement's success.
PopFam program RAISE and International Medical Corps share results from a mixed methods assessment of the midwifery education program in 3 schools in South Sudan
Child and Adolescent Health
Mentorship for BIPOC and first-generation public health graduate students can improve their experiences and satisfaction and, ultimately, may help them meet their educational and professional goals.
Public Health Education