News Search: Biostatistics
A Letter from the Chair of the Biostatistics Department reflecting on 2024 for the 2024 Biostatistics Newsletter.
Researchers designed novel computational pipeline designed to identify protein biomarkers associated with complex diseases
Biostatistical Methods
A Q&A with Daniel Malinsky, assistant professor of biostatistics.
Biostatistical Methods
Statistics in Biosciences
Congratulations to Dr. Zhezhen Jin for their paper which won a Best Paper Award for the Statistics in Biosciences Journal.
By Brenda Patoine
In 2015, Linda Valeri, PhD, was a young investigator with a doctorate in biostatistics from Harvard University and needed a lab to put her big ideas into motion.
Biostatistical Methods
In a faculty Q&A, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics Wenpin Hou shares her research journey.
Biostatistical Methods
GPT-4 can accurately interpret types of cells for single-cell RNA sequencing.
Biostatistical Methods
Kiros Berhane, PhD, shares an overview of the 2023 issue of Significant Moments, the Department of Biostatistics newsletter.
Kamal Menghrajani, MS ’23, on her experience as a White House Fellow.
Study shows low-intensity burning can dramatically reduce the risk of devastating fires for years at a time
Environmental Health