Karolynn Siegel, PhD
- Professor of Sociomedical Sciences and Social Work

Academic Appointments
- Professor of Sociomedical Sciences and Social Work
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BA, 1971 Skidmore College
- PhD, 1977 New York University
Committees, Societies, Councils
Honors & Awards
National Research Mentor, Hartford Foundation's Social Work Research Scholars
Member, Research Program Advisory and Oversight Committee, Cancer Care
Member, Medical Resource Coouncil, Gild'a Club Worldwide
Periclean Alumni Scholar Award, Skidmore College, 2003.
Research Interests
- Chronic disease
- Community Health
- Mental Health
- Substance Use
Selected Publications
Siegel K, Brown-Bradley CJ, Lekas HM Causal attributions for fatigue among late middle age and older adults with HIV infection Journal of Pain and Symptom Management In press
Siegel K, Schrimshaw EW Stress, appraisal, and coping: A comparison of HIV-infected women in the pre-HAART and HAART eras. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 58 225-233 2005
Siegel K, Karus D, Dean L Psychosocial Characteristics of New York City HIV-Infected Women Before and After the Advent of HAART American Journal of Public Health 94 1127-1132 2004
Siegel K, Karus D, Dean L Psychosocial characteristics of New York City HIV-infected women living in two periods American Journal of Public Health 94 1127-1132 2004
Siegel K, Lekas HM Living with HIV as a chronic illness: psychsocial Implications AIDS 16 S69-S76 2002
Christ GH, Siegel K, Christ AE Adolescent grief: it never really hit me until it happened JAMA 288 1269-1278 2002
Siegel K, Schrimshaw E, Lekas HM, Johnson JK Factors associated with HIV-infected women's use or intention to use AZT during pregnancy AIDS Education and Prevention 13 189-201 2001
Siegel K, Anderman S, Schrimshaw E Religion and coping with health-related stress Psychology and Health 16 631-653 2001
Siegel K, Karus D and Raveis V Adjustment among children facing the death of a parent due to cancer Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 35 442-450 1996
Siegel K, Schrimshaw EW Coping with negative emotions: the cognitive strategies of HIV- infected gay/bisexual men Journal of Health Psychology 5 517-530 2000
Urban Health Activities
HIV-Infected Women Living in Two Time Periods : This National Institute of Mental Health funded study is a follow-up to an earlier NIMH supported investigation. In it, Dr. Siegel and her team are investigating how the experience of living with HIV infection has changed since the mid-90s in light of the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy that has significantly extended patient survival. To examine this issue, she is accruing a sample of women currently living with HIV who are matched on several key characteristics to a sample she studied between 1994 and 1996. The existence of her historical data set provides a rare opportunity to empirically document changes or continuities in the lived experience of being HIV infected.
HIV-Infected Injecting Drug Users Living with HCV Coinfection: With the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy has come the opportunity for extended survival for many with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, as a consequence of living longer, many infected individuals are experiencing morbidity and mortality from co-morbid diseases and infections. As a result we anticipate in the next few years there is going to be growing emphasis on HIV as a co-morbid disease. Coinfection with HIV and hepatitis C is a prevalent in a very large segment of the HIV+ population, affecting approximately a third of all HIV-infected persons in the US. In this National Institute Of Drug Abuse-funded study, Dr. Siegel and her team are investigating the experience of living with HIV/HCV coinfection and how coinfection complicates or modifies the mastery of key illness-related adaptive tasks associated with living with HIV-infection.
Self-Care and Symptom Management at the End of Life: In this National Institute of Nursing research funded study, Dr. Siegel and her team are investigating symptom management among older cancer patients with advanced disease. In recent years there has been a great deal of attention focused on patient care at the end-of-life. Particular concern has been raised about whether symptoms, especially pain, are being adequately managed by professionals to avoid unnecessary suffering. In this study the kinds of self-care activities that terminally ill cancer patients and their informal caregivers engage in an effort to alleviate symptoms and suffering are being investigated. How these self-care activities complement or thwart professional efforts is another focus of this work.