Emmanuel d'Harcourt

Profile Headshot


Emmanuel d’Harcourt is a pediatrician and public health professional with extensive experience developing community health programs in Africa. He has worked in both front-line and leadership positions for international and scientific organizations such as the International Rescue Committee, Helen Keller International, and the Pasteur Institute. He began his health career as a Peace Corps volunteer in Senegal, where he worked with local leaders to build community health programs still operating today. He played a major role in the development of Rwanda’s community health program after the 1994 genocide. He is particularly interested in approaches that address the shortcomings of international development, and that is led by clients and communities.

Credentials & Experience

Education & Training

  • BA, Comparative Literature, Yale University
  • MD, Johns Hopkins University
  • MPH, Harvard University
  • Residency: the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia


Emmanuel has published on community health, nutrition, the use of data in public health, and public health in conflict and recovery settings.

His academic interests focus on documenting the role of local leaders in improving public health, and the use of data to improve community health programs. He is currently writing a book to document the preeminent role of local leaders in stopping the 2014 Ebola epidemic in Liberia.

Selected Publications

d'Harcourt et al, How can the sustainable development goals improve the lives of people affected by conflict?, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2017

d'Harcourt et al, The Ebola Lessons Reader: what’s being said, what’s missing, and why it matters, International Rescue Committee, 2016

Fallah et al, Strategies to prevent future Ebola epidemics, The Lancet, 2015

d'Harcourt, The Innovation Racket, Medium, 2015

d'Harcourt, Three Myths About Ebola: the Stories the West Tells Itself, Foreign Affairs, 2015

d'Harcourt, Where Were We When Rwanda Needed Us Most, Slate, 2014

d'Harcourt et al, A Different Kind of Army, community leadership at the center of the Ebola response, International Rescue Committee, 2014

Lainez et al, Insights from community case management data in six sub-Saharan African countries, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2012

d'Harcourt et al, Impact of wars and conflict on maternal and child health, chapter in Ehiri et al, Maternal and Child Health, 2009

d'Harcourt et al, Using PDAs in post-conflict health surveys: potential and constraints, Global Public Health, 2008

Global Health Activities

Advisory Council, Clinic+O, a telemedicine start-up in Guinée, West Africa
Advisory Board, Center for Global Health, Massachusetts General Hospital