Summer Updates - 2023

August 1, 2023

CCISP Annual Symposium

May 25, 2023

The Eleventh Annual Columbia Center for Injury Science and Prevention (CCISP) Symposium, “Accelerating Equity through the Science of Safety”, opened with a session on emerging issues in firearm violence and featured a keynote panel focused on Native American injury prevention initiatives. The panel included perspectives and approaches of several major organizations working to address disparities in this population including the Indian Health Service, the Tribal Epidemiology Center, the Indian Health Board, the Tribal Injury Prevention Resource Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Chair of the NY State Commission to Prevent Childhood Drowning reported on the novel approach NYS is taking to reduce drowning and a member of the commission reported on a successful effort to address drowning disparities in Black and Brown communities. An ongoing multi-agency equity effort, the Collaborative Equity Intern Project, was presented as a joint initiative between CCISP, Safe States and the Northeast Caribbean Injury Prevention Network. Partner updates and roundtables closed out the symposium.

episummer@columbia 2023

Columbia University’s Department of Epidemiology summer institute

Starting in June 2023, the summer institute provided students from around the world with opportunities to gain foundational knowledge and applicable skills for advancing population health research through intensive short non-credit courses and in synchronous or asynchronous online learning formats.