Select Projects and Collaborations

New York Mammographic Density (NY MaDe) Study

This ongoing study investigates mammographic breast density and breast cancer screening and prevention behaviors in a socially diverse population. 

Rethink Initiative

This project focuses on understanding and addressing the over-use of breast cancer screening in older women. 

Mammogram-based Measures in National Cancer Cohorts

Building on the prospective family history-enriched Sister Study cohort, our team has been working two projects.

Integrating Mammograms in Analyses of Genes and Environment in Sisters (IMAGES)

This study examines the contribution of longitudinal mammographic breast density patterns to improving clinical risk stratification and performance of several risk prediction models that form the basis for risk-based breast cancer surveillance and preventive care. In collaboration with Black Women’s Health Study investigators, we are expanding this work to evaluate the application of mammogram-based deep learning methods for improving risk stratification and screening (Enhancing Risk Assessment, Stratification and Equity in Breast Cancer Control through Mammographic and Genomic Data [ERASE BC]).

Improve Chronic disease Outcomes through Multi-level and Multi-generational approaches Unifying Novel Interventions and Training for health EquitY (COMMUNITY) Center

The mission of the COMMUNITY Center is to reduce health disparities in multiple chronic diseases in the New York City Region through research and sustainable interventions that incorporate individual, interpersonal, community and societal approaches. 

DISRUPT: Diversity & Inclusion in Scientific Research Underpinning Prevention & Therapeutic Trials

This project is working to improve representation of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, People of Color, people with health conditions and impairments, and LGBTQ+ persons in clinical trials by “disrupting” norms at the community, patient and provider, and research pipeline levels. 

Center for SOcial CApital (SoCa)

The mission of the SoCa Center is to bring together academic institutions, community-based organizations, and a diverse group of stakeholders to reduce cancer health inequities due to persistent poverty in New York City by promoting multi-generational health and increasing workforce diversity.   

Emplisweni Initiative for Women’s Health

One of four NCI-funded global implementation science centers for equitable cancer control, this aims to accelerate the integration and scale-up of evidence-based interventions for cervical cancer elimination among South African women.