Epidemiology Grand Rounds and Special Seminars
The Columbia University Epidemiology Grand Rounds (CUEGR) and Special Seminar series hosts global leaders in epidemiology who share their ground-breaking work with the Department’s faculty, students, and the Columbia community at-large. These lectures present a broad range of topics, fostering academic exchange around key issues in epidemiology. The series has forged important links between the Department and leading figures and programs in public health and epidemiology throughout the world. Lectures are followed by discussion and interaction between speakers and audience in order to forge new dialogue and ideas for science and policy. Speakers are invited to spend the day at Columbia with ample time to engage faculty and students prior to the lecture.
- April 28: Judy Schaechter, MD, MBA: Safety, Science & Misinformation
- March 31: Kara Rudolph, PhD: Florida’s Red Flag Gun Law and Firearm and Non-firearm Homicide and Suicide Mortality Rates
- March 13: Ditte Bjerregaard: Beyond Awareness: Using Data to Prevent Femicide
- March 12: Sheila P. Vakharia, PhD, MSW: The Harm Reduction Gap: Implications for Public Health Policy and Practice
- Feb 24: Sonali Rajan, EdD, MS: School Safety, Mental Health, and Well-being Among K-12 Public School Communities across the Nation
- Feb 21: Tiffany Gary-Webb, PhD, MHS: Social Determinants of Cardiometabolic Health Among Populations of the African Diaspora
- Feb 19: Gillian England-Mason, PhD: Prenatal Environmental Influences on Early Childhood Neurodevelopment: Key Findings and Insights from a Canadian Cohort Study
- Feb 18: Adolfo García-Sastre, PhD: Determinants of Host Tropism of Influenza A Viruses
- Jan 27: Arthur L Kellermann, MD, MPH: Stopping Gun Violence Before the 911 Call: Then, Now, and Next...
- Dec 18: Kechna Cadet, PhD, MPH: Polysubstance Use and Public Health: Insights, Challenges and Opportunities for Action
- Dec 2: Silvia Martins (Columbia Mailman) – Moderator; Charles Branas (Columbia Mailman); Theoklis Zaoutis (Columbia Global Center in Athens); Elena Deligianni (Columbia Global Center in Athens); and Daniel Freedberg (Columbia, Medicine): Evaluation of Novel Psychoactive Substances’ Patterns of Use, Trends & Risks: A Growing Challenge for Public Health Experts & Policy
- Nov 20: Pietro Ferrari, PhD: CUEGR: Geoffrey Howe Lecture: Into the Nutrition and Cancer Relationship
- Nov 18: Hooman Azad (Columbia OB GYN), Dana Goin (Columbia Mailman); Danielle Laraque-Arena (Columbia Mailman): Setting a Course Forward for the Reduction of Firearms as a leading cause of death for pregnant people in the United States: 2017- 2022
- Oct 30: Jonathan Epstein, PhD: Stopping Spillover to Prevent Pandemics
- Oct 22: Patrick S. Sullivan, DVM, PhD: Challenges and Opportunities and Oral PrEP in the US
- Oct 18: Lan Ðoàn, PhD, MPH: Asian American Health: Racialized Stereotypes and Data Quality
- Oct 9: Bisola Ojikutu MD MPH FIDSA: CUEGR: Advancing Health Equity: From Data to Collective Action
- Oct 7: Garen J. Wintemute, MD, MPH: Characteristics Associated with Support for Political Violence in the USA
- Sept 25: Linda Hill, MD, MPH, Distinguished Professor: Perspectives on Cannabis Use and Driving across 9 States of Varying Legal Status
- Sept 23: Nandi L. Taylor, MPH: Applying an Equity Lens to Road Safety Research: Exploring the Link Between Historical and Contemporary Indicators of Structural Racism and Pedestrian Safety
- June 12: Jialin Mao, MD, PhD: Segregated and Differential Treatment – Structural Inequity in Interventional Cancer Care
- May 29: Sarah McKetta, ScM, MD, PhD; When Life Gives You Lemons, Quantify Their Impact: Revealing Health Disparities to Inform Policy and Intervention
- May 10: Yuequin Huang, MD, MPH, PhD; Disability of Dementia in Chinese Older Adults: Findings from China Mental Health Survey
- April 29: Dara Blachman-Demner, PhD; NIH Research Initiatives to Reduce Health Disparities, Morbidity and Mortality: Firearm Injury and Maternal Health
- April 26: Peter Kanetsky, PhD, MPH; Improving Skin Cancer Prevention through Precision Prevention
- April 16: Poornima Prabhakran; Environmental Health Issues in India - An Overview of Evidence Generation to Policy-Making
- April 10: Ruth Ottman, PhD; Psychosocial Impacts of Genetic Research and Practice in Neurologic Disorders
- April 9: Dr. Nil Gavish; Revisiting the Exclusion Principle in Epidemiology at its Ultimate Limit
- April 2: Magdalena Cerdá, DrPh, MPH; Building the Bridge to Prevention: Using Epidemiology to Inform an Effective Response to Overdose and Gun Violence
- March 26: Paul Reeping, PhD; Pioneering Preventive Solutions in Gun Violence Epidemiology
- March 26: Dr. Neil Johnson; Winning a Losing Battle against Infectious Disease Mis/Disinformation
- March 25: Victor Puac-Polanco, MD, DrPH, MSCE; Effects of Drink Special Laws to Address Disparities in Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol-Related Traffic Outcomes Among Systemically Marginalized Groups
- March 20-21: Epidemiology TB Symposium: Emerging Resistance to Novel TB Drugs
- March 15: Soko Setoguchi, MD, DrPH; Climate Change’s Impact on Chronic Disease Outcomes and Drug-Environment Interactions
- March 12: Celia Quinn, MD, MPH; Perspective of a Local Public Health Leader: The Use of Infectious Disease Modeling to Support Evidence-Informed Responses to Public Health Emergencies
- February 28: Meghan Azad, PhD; CUEGR: The Invisible Extinction
- February 28: James M. Noble, MD, MS, CPH, FAAN; Poor Oral Health as a Chronic, Potentially Modifiable Dementia Risk Factor
- February 6: Dr. Eili Klein; From the Bedside to the Home: How Modeling Can Aid in Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance and Improving Patient Outcomes
- February 5: New York City's Strategies for Stopping Gun Violence: Leaders and Experts Weigh In
- January 25, Katrina Kezios, PhD; Understanding Life Course Determinants of Health and Aging: A Methodologic and Pedagogic Perspective
- January 22, Catherine Stayton; Examining the Contributions of Injuries to Mortality During COVID-19 year 2020: Data into Action in New York City
- January 16, Kayoko Shioda; Advanced Epidemiological Methods to Inform Infectious Disease Policies
- Dec 19 ; Gordon Watt, PhD; Identifying Cancer Survivors at Risk of Late Effects Using Imaging and Genetics
- Dec 4: Jeffrey A. Fagan; Adolescents' Decisions on Guns Across Three Homicide Epidemics: Getting Them, Carrying Them, Using Them (or Not)
- Dec 1: Tian Gu, PhD; Targeting Underrepresented Populations in Precision Medicine: Multi-Source Data Integration via Transfer Learning
- Nov 29: Julie Herbstman, MSc, PhD and Sarah Tom, PhD; Opportunities for Understanding the Roles of the Physical, Chemical, and Social Environments in Child Health & Development: The Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health
- Nov 20: Christopher Morrison; PhD; Sobriety Checkpoints and Alcohol-Impaired Driving
- Nov 8: Dr. Joseph L. Graves, Jr.; CUEGR: Racism, Not Race: Frequently Asked Questions in Biomedical Research
- Oct 25: Helena Jernström, PhD; Interplay between Genes and Lifestyle in Breast Cancer
- Oct 16: Mackenzie J (Kushner) Oliver, PhD; Rethinking the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Scale: A Development Approach to a Wider Array of Advertises and their Consequences during Childhood and Adolescence
- Oct 11: Allison Aiello, PhD and Jennifer Manly, PhD; Integrating Molecular Data into the Social Epidemiology of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: Progress and Challenges
- Oct 3: Rebecca Kehn, PhD, MPH, Elucidating the Role of Physical Activity in Breast Cancer Using a Lifecourse Approach
- Sept 18: Kathleen F. Carlson, MS, PhD; Validating National Violent Death Reporting System Variables through Data Linkage: A Case Study among Oregon Veterans
- July 18: Erin Dunn, ScD, MPH, Childhood Adversity and Mental Health: Identifying Opportunities to Reduce Risk and Promote Resilience Across the Life Course
- May 15: Rubeshan Perumal, PhD, The Long Walk to TB Control in Sub-Saharan Africa
- May 4: CUEGR: Trish Starks, PhD, Cigarettes and Soviets: Communism, Capitalism, and the Tobacco Uptake
- May 2: Justin Knox, PhD, Understanding and Addressing HIV and Substance Use
- April 28: Kim Rhoads, MD, MS, MPH, Health Equity Requires Action
- April 24: Michael J. Bauer, MS, Law Enforcement-Involved Injuries and Fatal Encounters (LEIFE)
- April 21: Salvatore Vacarella, PhD, Socioeconomic Inequalities in Cancer Between and Within Countries
- April 19: Hari Sagiraju, MD, MPH, PhD, Two-Way Translational Cancer Research to Combat Cancer
- April 18: Sarah Cobey, PhD, Effective Vaccination Against Influenza
- April 12: Nicole Schupf, PhD, Epidemiology of Alzheimer's Disease in Down Syndrome: A Model High Risk Population
- April 3: Dr. Lilith Whittles, Real Time Modeling of COVID-19 in the UK: Insights from a Pandemic at the Interface of Science and Policy
- March 31: Michael Goran, PhD, Effects of Dietary Sugars on Metabolic, Gut and Brain Developmental Outcomes: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
- March 28: Teresa Janevic, PhD, MPH, Social and Structural Determinants of Postpartum Cardiometabolic Health
- March 27: Fabienne Laraque, MD, MPH, Public Health Approaches in Homeless Services: A Case Study in Overdose Prevention
- March 7: Tongtan (Bert) Chantarat, PhD, MPH, Measuring Structural Racism to Advance Research and Policies
- March 3: Henry Greenberg, MD, Global Clinical Disease, An Economic Threat
- February 27: David Siscovick, MD, MPH, Health Data for New York City, A Potential Model for Injury Science and Prevention in NYC
- February 16: Magdalena Janecka, PhD, Investigating the Environmental Etiology of ASD
- February 8: Elaine Wirrell, MD; Nathalie Jette, MSc, MD, FRCPC, Neuroepidemiology in Action - How our Epidemiological Findings Change Clinical Practice
- February 1: Asa E. Radix, MD, PhD, MPH, FACP, Transgender Health in the 21st Century: Epidemiologic Theory and Methods
- January 27, Lisa Hark, PhD, MBA: Manhattan Vision Screening and Follow-up Study (NYC-SIGHT)
- January 23, Ahmed Shelbaya, MD, MSc, MPH: Unintentional Injuries, Confronting the Burden (The Care of Road Traffic Injuries)
- Jan 19, Suzue Saito, PhD: HIV Recent Infection Surveillance and Role in Epidemic Control
- Dec 14, Vivian Santiago, PhD, MPH, Ouch! Towards Understanding Mechanisms of Chronic Pain
- Dec 5, Catherine Stayton, DrPH, MPH: Public Health Perspectives on Firearm-Related Injury Surveillance: Examples from New York City
- Nov 14, Jeff Duncan-Andrade, PhD: Equity or Equality: Toward a Model of Community-Responsive Education
- Oct 27, CUEGR: Steven Thrasher, PhD: The Role of a Viral Underclass in Public Health: A Case Study
- Oct 19, CUEGR: Thomas A. LaVeist, PhD: Building Public Health Equity
- Oct 17, Becky Naumann, PhD, MSPH: Integrating Systems Thinking Tools into Road Safety Research and Practice
- Oct 11, David Rasmussen, PhD: Learning What Shapes Pathogen Fitness from Phylogenies
- Sept 27, Forrest Crawford, PhD: COVID-19 Transmission Models in the Real World: Models, Data, and Policy
- Sept 23, Mary Beth Terry, PhD: COMMUNITY Center: A Multi-Institutional Approach to Addressing Health Disparities in Chronic Diseases
- Sept 19, Lisa Geller, MPH: The Role of Domestic Violence in Fatal Mass Shootings
- Sept 9, Liat Lerner-Geva: Assisted Reproductive Technologies - Epidemiological and Public Health Issues
- May 26, Sara Mostafavi, PhD: Machine Learning for Understanding Gene Expression Basis of Alzhimer's Disease
- May 20, Biana Roykh, DDS, MPH: Mobile Health Center Units: Integrated Approaches to Community Care
- May 13, Dan Belsky, PhD: Quantification of Biological Aging: Opportunities in Neuroepidemiology
- April 29, Monik Jimenez, SM, ScD: Using Data to Dismantle Injustice: Bridging the Gap between Epidemiology and Advocacy
- April 25, Madelyn S. Gould, PhD, MPH: Building 988: An Opportunity to Build Inclusive Crisis Care Structures – Effectiveness of the Lifeline
- April 22, CUEGR: Visionary Woman in Science: Remembering and Celebrating the Life of Zena A. Stein
- April 8, Aline Thomas, PhD: Nutrition, Brain Health, and Structure with Aging
- March 24, Alexis Elbaz, MD, PhD: Strengthening Causal Inference in Parkinson's Disease Research: Triangulation of Evidence
- March 21, Ricky N. Bluthenthal, PhD: The Contribution of Structural Violence to Injuries Among People Who Inject Drugs
- March 18, Wan Yang, PhD: Modeling the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City
- March 11, Laura Xicota: Down Symdrome: A Key to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease Risk Variation
- February 14, Dionne D. Williams, MPS: Introduction to WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)
- January 24, Megan S. Ryerson, PhD: Safe by Design: Estimating Proactive Urban Transportation Safety Methods based on Traveler Biometrics
- January 11, Hoda S. Abdel Magid, MHS, PhD: Leveraging Spatial Data and Epidemiology to Reduce Health Disparities
- December 9, Kate Duchowny, PhD, MPH: Uncovering the Intersection between Social Determinants and Musculoskeletal Health to Promote Health Equity
- December 8, Mitch Elkind, MD, MS: 25 Years of the Northern Manhattan Study: From Community to Clinic
- December 8, Yian Gu, MD, MS, PhD: The Role of Diet in the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease
- December 6, Jhumka Gupta, ScD, MPH: Intimate Partner Violence and Forcibly Displaced Populations: Drivers and Intervention Strategies
- November 22, Cassandra Crifasi, PhD, MPH: The Impacts of Deregulating Civilian Gun Carrying on Violent Crime
- November 15, Jacqueline Torres, PhD: The Spillover Effects of Adult-Socio-Economic Status on Older Parents' Cognitive Performance and Other Dementia Risk Factors: Quasi-Experimental Evidence
- October 29, Lynn Petukhova: Implementing Precision Medicine to Improve the Clinical Management of Skin Disease
- October 28, James E. Galvin, MD, MPH: Assessing Multicultural Communities for Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment
- October 27, Dustin Duncan, ScD: Applications of Geospatial Methods to Study Neighborhoods and Health Disparities
- October 25, Gonzalo Martinez-Ales, MD, MSc, PhD: Country-Level Social Environmental Determinants of U.S. Suicide Incidence
- October 13, CUEGR: Gregg Gonsalves, PhD: CUEGR: A New Politics of Care
- October 5, Jaime Slaughter-Acey, PhD, MPH: Racial Segregation, Colorism, and Discrimination among Expecting Black Mothers
- September 27, Jermaine Jones, PhD: The Abuse Potential of Oxymorphone: Lessons Learned from Two Clinical Laboratory Studies
- August 3, Paris "AJ" Adkins-Jackson, PhD, MPH: An Intersectional Approach to Examining Parkinson's Disease Disparities in Cognitive Functioning
- June 25, Jonine Figueroa: Cancer Data Science Studies for Population Health and Precision Medicine: An International Perspective
- June 23, Melissa DuPont-Reyes, PhD, MPH: Leveraging Intersectionality Towards Achieving Mental Health Equity: A Research Agenda
- June 16, John R. Pamplin II, PhD, MPH: Exploring the Effects of Structural Racism on Health: A Tale of Paradoxical Findings and Ubiquitous Exposures
- May 27, Elliot M. Tucker-Drob, PhD: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in the Epidemiology of Cognitive Aging and Dementia
- April 19, Ricky N. Bluthenthal, PhD: Injury Risk and Prevention Among People Who Inject Drugs
- March 25, Alexis Elbaz, MD, PhD: Strengthening Causal Inference in Parkinson's Disease Research: Triangulation of Evidence
- March 15, Sandhya Kajeepeta, MS: The Police-Centric Response to Intimate Partner Violence: An Epidemiologic Critique of Carceral Feminism
- March 10, Eugene Richardson, MD, PhD: CUEGR: Epidemic Illusions: On the Coloniality of Global Public Health
- March 5, Simona Kwon, DrPh, MPH: Applying a Participatory Implementation Research Approach to Hypertension Prevention for Asian American Communities in Faith-based Settings
- February 22, Edouard Coupet Jr, MD, MS: Substance Use Among Victims of Violence
- February 19, Krithiga Shridhar MDS, MSc: Environmental, Host & Lifestyle Factors for Cancer Risk in India: An Overview of Epidemiological Studies at the Public Health Foundation of India
- January 28, Jennifer Albrecht, PhD: Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of TBI: Incidence, Treatment, and Outcomes
- January 26, Catalina Lopez-Quintero, MD, PhD: Elucidating the Mechanisms Underlaying Marijuana Use Patterns, Transitions and Trajectories
- January 25, Mike Dolan Fliss, PhD, MPS, MSW: Critically Examining Three Intersections of Public Health Injury & Policing: Traffic Stops, Death by Law Enforcement, and Opioid Overdose Indicators
- January 15, Colin Begg, PhD: In Defense of P-Values
- December 11, Sarah E. Tom, PhD, MPH: Socioeconomic Disadvantage, Cardiovascular Disease, Air Pollution and COVID-19 Burden Among Black and Hispanic Mothers
- December 7, Zinzi Bailey, ScD, MSPH: The Role of Structural Violence in a Public Health Approach to Violence and Injury Prevention
- December 4, Adana Llanos, PhD, MPH: Adipokine and Adipokine Receptor Expression in the Breast Tumor Microenvironment: Associations with More Aggressive Clinicopathology
- November 16, Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH: Understanding and Preventing Community Violence
- November 11, Prabhat Jha, MD OC: CUEGR: Science (not only love) in a time of cholera: Reliable quantification of causes of death worldwide
- October 29, Walter A. Rocca, MD, MPH: Sex, Gender, and the Brain
- October 22, CUEGR: Susan Reverby, PhD; Donna Murch, PhD: CUEGR: Alan Berkman Memorial Lecture The Legacy of Columbia Epidemiologist Alan Berkman (1945-2009): from Political Revolutionary to Global Health Hero
- October 19, Justin Michael Feldman, ScD: Public Health Monitoring and Accountability for Police Violence
- September 21, Trina K. Kumodzi, PhD, RN, CCRN: Direct Violence in St. Kitts and Nevis as a Case Study of Structural Violence
- May 28, Olajide Williams, MD, MS: Randomized Behavioral Interventions Across the Continuum of Stroke Disparities
- May 6, Silvia Martins, PhD: Recreational Marijuana Legalization in the USA: Association with Marijuana Use, Frequent Marijuana Use and Cannabis Use Disorder by Age , Gender and Race/Ethnicity
- May 4, Jonathan H. Epstein, DVM, MPH, PhD: Understanding the Ecology of Emerging Zoonoses
- May 4, David Humphreys: Evaluating the Impact of "Stand Your Ground" Self Defense Laws
- April 27, Christopher Morrison, PhD: Ridesharing and Motor Vehicle Crashes
- March 26, Brian A. Fallon, MD, MPH: Neuropsychiatric Lyme Disease: Challenges, Controversies, and Opportunities
- March 23, Dustin Duncan, ScD: Black, Gay and Bisexual Men and HIV Disparities: The N2 Cohort Study
- March 6, Joanne Dorgan, PhD, MPH: Early Life Exposures and Breast Cancer Risk: Findings from the Dietary Intervention Study in Children
- February 27, Nur Zeinomar, PhD, MPH: Integrating Absolute Risk Prediction into Studies of Modifiable Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Risk
- February 26, Peter Daszak, PhD: Using Disease Ecology to Predict and Prevent Pandemics Like the New Wuhan Coronavirus
- February 24, Anne-Catrin Uhlemann, PD, PhD: Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria and the Gut Microbiome
- February 24, Noa Krawczyk, PhD: Linking Criminal Justice and Healthcare Data to Address the Opioid Crisis
- January 30, Jan Claasen, MD: Impairment and Recovery of Consciousness
- January 27, Ashley Brooks-Russell, PhD, MPH: Cannabis Impaired Driving: The Importance of Tolerance and Challenges of Roadside Testing
- December 11, Dana Goin, PhD: Epidemiological throughline: Addressing methodological challenges in studying firearm violence, pregnancy complications, and birth outcomes
- December 4, Josef Coresh MD, PHD: CUEGR: Optimal Health and Vascular Disease Prevention: Beware of "Normal" Aging
- November 20, Andrew Rundle, DrPh: Searching for the Causes of Obesity: A Journey to DOHaD
- November 6, Stephen J. Chanock, MD: CUEGR: Geoffrey Howe Memorial Lecture Radiogenomic Studies in follow-up of the Chernobyl Accident
- October 30, Caroline A. Thompson, PhD, MPH: Disentangling Cancer Healthcare Disparities: Real World Data and Casual Inference Methodology
- October 23, Pam Factor-Litvak, PhD: One Health and the Brain: Preliminary Work in the Slum Areas of Jaipur and Jakarta
- October 7, Yueqin Huang, MD, PhD: Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders in China: Findings from the National Mental Health Survey
- October 2, Nour Makarem, PhD, MS: The Role of Sleep and Meal Timing in Cardiovascular Risk: Is Body Clock Medicine the New Prevention Approach?
- September 18, Jessica Justman, MD: Department Seminar: HIV Population Surveys: Bringing Precision to the Global Response
- April 17, George Davey Smith: CUEGR: Alan Berkman Memorial Lecture: Post- "Modern Epidemiology": when methods meet matter
- April 16, James Noble, MD, MS, CPH, FAAN: Sports-related concussions
- April 15, Samuel Jenness, PhD: Network-Based Transmission Models to Identify Novel Strategies for HIV and STI Prevention
- April 15, Surinder Jaswal, PhD: Climate Change and Migrant Workers in India: From Vulnerability to Adaptation
- April 11, Jeremy Kane, PhD, MPH: Applications of psychiatric epidemiology for measuring and treating substance use problems in low- and middle-income countries
- April 11, Michael B. Cook, PhD: Answering critical questions of esophageal adenocarcinoma and prostate cancer
- March 28, Sander Markx, MD: CNTNAP2-Associated Autism: From Animal Model to hiPSC-Derived Neuronal Model to Clinical Trial
- March 28, Jaime Slaughter-Acey, PhD, MPH: Beyond race: The salience of skin tone and black women's birth outcomes
- March 26, Melissa Tracy, PhD, MPH: Application of complex systems approaches to injury
- March 15, Shehnaz K. Hussain, PhD, ScM: Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Mechanisms of pathogenesis & opportunities for prevention
- March 11, Lisa Saiman, MD, MPH: Impact and Control of Heathcare-associated Infections caused by Multidrug-resistant Organisms
- March 4, Jessica Petrick, PHD, MPH: Obesity and cancer: Etiology, mechanisms, and future directions
- February 28, T. Peter Kingham, MD, FACS; Improving outcomes for cancer patients in Nigeria: A global oncology program
- February 27, Michael Harhay, PhD: Measuring and modeling treatment effects in trials for critically ill patients
- February 25, Simon Anthony, D.Phil: Viral Discovery as a Tool in Pandemic Preparedness
- February 20, Megan Murray, MD, MPH, DPH: CUEGR: Who gets TB infection and disease in Lima, Peru
- February 19, Stanley Lemeshow, PhD, MSPH: Assessing the calibration of the logistic regression model with a binary outcome variable: Problems and potential solutions with big data
- January 31, Martin Picard, PhD: Mitochondrial mechanisms for the biological embedding of psychosocial experiences
- January 30, James Kirkbride, PhD: On being out of place: Towards an integrated understanding of the social epidemiology of psychotic disorders
- January 29, Kathleen Bachynski, PhD, MPH: Time Out: NFL conflicts of interest with public health efforts to prevent traumatic brain injury
- January 24, Karen Bandeen-Roche, PhD, Linda P. Fried, MD, MPH: Toward a Biology of Resilience and Health, A Public Health Paradigm
- December 10, Denise Paone, PhD: Measuring the Opioid Epidemic: Surveillance to Inform and Evaluate a Public Health Approach
- November 28, Miguel Hernán, MD, MPH, ScM, DrPH: CUEGR: Estimating per-protocol effects: Randomized trials analyzed like observational studies
- November 19, Kitty H. Gelberg, PhD, MPH: Applied Public Health - Tackling Diseases of Despair
- November 15, Heather Ochs-Balcom, PhD: Familial breast cancer studies in the post-GWAS era
- November 7, Mark Schiffman, MD, MPH: CUEGR: Geoffrey Howe Memorial Lecture: Beyond the Pap test: Precise and simple cervical cancer screening and management guidelines
- October 25, Cathryn Bock, PhD: Prostate Cancer Disparities: What we know and where to go
- October 25, Edward Huey, MD: Neoropsychiatric symptoms in Frontotemporal dementia and related disorders
- October 15, Catherine Stayton, DrPH, MPH, Deena Patel, PhD: NYC Traffic Crashes: Classifying Crash Severity using Crash Reports and Hospital Data
- September 20, Kara Rudolph, PhD: Improving prediction of intervention effects across populations
- September 17, Xuguang (Grant) Tao, MD, PhD: Opioid Utilization and its Association with Workers Compensation Cost and Return to Work
- June 22, Chanita Hughes Halbert, PhD: Social Determinants of Minority Health and Health Disparities from a Translational Perspective
- May 31, Matthew Lebowitz, PhD: (Unintended) Consequences of Biomedical Explanations for Mental Disorders
- April 27, Sharon Manne, PhD: Psychological Interventions for Cancer Patients
- April 26, Lawrence Amsel, MD, MPH: Towards a Mathematical Psychiatry: Using Decision Theory and Game Theory to Model Complicated Grief
- April 26, Justin Brown, PhD: The Role of Energy Balance Related Lifestyle Factors in Colorectal Cancer Prognosis
- April 24, Tara Kelley-Baker, PhD: The Four Pillars of Traffic Safety
- April 20, Hazel Nichols, PhD: Reproductive Health after Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer
- April 19, Martha Hickey, MSc, MSChB, FRCOG, FRANZCOG, MD: WHAM: What happens after menopause? Preliminary findings from a prospective, multicentre, age-matched trial of RRBSO in premenopausal high-risk women
- April 13, Luis Carvajal-Carmona, PhD: Cancer Genetic studies in Latino popluations
- April 12, Andreas Neophytou, ScD: Counterfactuals in epidemiology: Using observational data to answer causal questions
- April 11, Elizabeth Yeampierre: CUEGR: Alan Berkman Memorial Lecture: Climate Justice: From Brooklyn to Puerto Rico
- April 10, Nrupen Bhavsar, PhD, MPH: Improving Population Health Through Novel Epidemiologic Approaches
- March 29, Mitchell Elkind, MD, MS: Twenty Years of the Northern Manhattan Study: What Have We Learned about Brain Health?
- March 28, Jeanette Stingone, PhD, MPH: Unlocking the potential of big public health data: Incorporating data science into the epidemiologist's toolbox
- March 27, Monica Wendel, DrPH, MA: Changing the Narrative on Youth Violence Prevention
- March 15, Johnathon Ehsani, PhD, MPH: Practice driving and crash risk among newly licesensed teen drivers. Is there a link?
- March 9, Diana Buist, PhD, Shine Chang, PhD, Amy Trentham-Dietz, PhD: On the Moonshot and Beyond: Perspectives from 20 years in Cancer Prevention
- March 6, Sandra Albrecht, PhD, MPH: Socioecological influences of obesity and diabetes risk among Hispanic/Latino populations
- March 2, Lisa Bodnar, PhD, MPH: Challenges in defining optimal weight gain ranges for pregnant women
- February 27, Joel Caplan, PhD: Risk terrain modeling: Geospatial risk assessment for public health and safety
- February 27, Magdalena Cerdá, DrPH, MPH: Drug policis and opioid overdose in the United States: A spatio-temporal approach to policy evaluation
- February 22, Nathalie Jette, MD, MSc, FRCPC: Depression in epilepsy - epidemiological lessons that can be applied to other chronic conditions
- February 21, Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD: CUEGR: The role of precision nutrition in obesity and diabetes prevention and management
- February 20, Rupak Shivakoti, PhD, MSPH: Nutrition, inflammation and gut microbiome in HIV
- February 16, Julia Brody, PhD: Moving beyond 'don't ask, don't tell': Environmental research into endocrine disruptors in engaged communities
- February 12, Matthew Mimiaga, ScD: From the ground up: Applying a syndemics model to enhance HIV prevention science among marginalized groups globally
- February 7, Seth Prins, PhD, MPH: The criminalization of mental illness and the medicalization of crime as social determinants of health
- January 29, Katherine Ornstein, PhD, MPH: Reframing healthcare beyond the individual: A focus on serious illness and end-of-life care
- January 26, Roshni Rao, MD, FACS: Exercise during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
- January 25, Mark Olfson, MD, MPH: Using epidemiological research to inform suicide prevention
- January 23, James Noble, MD, MS, CPH: Epidemiological challenges in concussion and CTE
- January 17, Fred Tabung, PhD, MSPH: The inflammatory and insulinemic potential of diet and risk of cancer
- December 19, Vincent Duron, MD: Trauma survelliance in global health
- December 15, Anita Koushik, PhD: The role of lifestyle factors on ovarian cancer risk
- December 6, Mona Hanna-Atisha, MD, MPH, FAAP: CUEGR: The Flint water crisis: A journey for justice
- December 1, Deborah Donnell, PhD: Implementation science and clinical trial design: Current perspectives from HIV prevention
- November 30, Adam Brickman, PhD: Reconsidering harbingers of Alzheimer's disease: Risk factors, biomarkers, and white matter hyperintensities
- November 17, Max O'Donnell, MD, MPH: A precision public health approach to epidemic viral respiratory infection in Uganda
- November 14, Andrew Willis: Preventing adverse childhood experiences
- October 27, Ted Cohen, MD, MPH, DPH: Using geographic and pathogen genetic data to understand tuberculosis transmission
- October 27, Camille Ragin, PhD, MPH: Cancer health disparities in the African diaspora: Investigating contributions of biology and the environment
- October 26, Murray Stein, MD, MPH: Military mental health epidemiology
- October 24, Shankar Viswanathan, DrPH, MSc: Inflicted traumatic brain injury (iTBI) study: An examination of a hidden epidemic
- September 29, Ana Navas-Acien, MD, PhD: Arsenic genetics, epigenetics, and health effects: Evidence from US populations
- September 26, Hasanat Alamgir, PhD: Epidemiology and economic burden of occupational falls in health care
- September 22, Celia Byrne, PhD: Is mammographic breast density an intermediate biomarker for breast cancer?
- August 1, Suzanne Leal, PhD, MS: Methods to identify the genetic etiology of complex traits through the analysis of massively parallel sequence data
- July 17, Lauren Houghton, PhD, MSc: An epidemiologic time warp: Study designs for diseases of long latency
- July 10, Yuequin Huang, MD, PhD: Epidemiology of psychiatric disorders in China: Findings from the national mental health survey
- June 23, Daniel Freedberg, MD, MS: How the hospital environment shapes risk for Clostridium difficile infection
- June 6, Haidong Wang, PhD: Estimating burden of disease due to HIV/AIDS: Current challenges and an integrated approach
- May 25, Jay Gingrich, MD, PhD: Serotonin modulation of brain development: New implications for the use of antidepressants in pregnancy
- May 18, Elizabeth Rose Mayeda, PhD, MPH: Disparities in brain aging: Measurement challenges, selection bias, and lifecourse inequities
- May 11, Wan Yang, PhD: Inference and forecast of infectious disease transmission dynamics
- May 1, Christopher Morrison, PhD, MPH: Where do bike lanes work best? Using spatial epidemiologic methods to improve road safety in our cities
- April 28, John Brooks, MD: The evolving epidemiology of HIV infection in persons who inject drugs: Lessons learned from Indiana 2015
- April 27, Jonas Hagen: Environmental justice, traffic safety, and street design: Preliminary results from New York City's Neighborhood Slow Zones
- April 27, George Bonanno, PhD: Loss, trauma, and resilience: From heterogeneity to flexibility
- April 21, Michele Cote, PhD, MPH: Benign breast cancer disease and breast cancer risk: The Detroit cohort
- April 19, Dean Alondra Nelson, MPhil, PhD: CUEGR: Alan Berkman Memorial Lecture: Not just fun and games: The sociopolitical and medical import of "recreational" genetics
- March 30, Cruz María Nazario, PhD: Epidemiological transitions: From infectious to chronic diseases in Puerto Rico
- March 30, Amelia Boehme, PhD: The relationship between infections and stroke
- March 24, Neil Schluger, MD: Thinking about tuberculosis elimination at home and abroad
- March 23, Melissa Tracy, PhD, MPH: The transmission of violence within social networks
- March 22, Pia Mauro, PhD: Substance use disorder and treatment access across the life course
- March 8, David Seres, MD, ScM, PNS, FASPEN: Nursing home policies force unnecessary surgical feeding tubes: A multidisciplinary collaboration
- February 24, Daniel Westreich, PhD: From patients to policies in HIV: Toward epidemiologic methods for implementation science
- February 23, Madelyn Gould, PhD, MPH: Suicide contagion: Evidence and implications for postvention
- February 21, Sara Fredericka Jacoby, PhD, MSN, MPH: Optimizing Injury Recovery in Underserved Urban Populations
- February 8, Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD: CUEGR: Behavioral economics and health
- February 2, Silvia Martins, MD, PhD Child maltreatment and consequential future outcomes
- February 1, Esteban Calvo, PhD, MsPH, Ignacio Madero-Cabib, PhD: From snapshots to movies: Labor-force sequences and health trajectories in old age
- January 27, Christine Kreuder Johnson, VMD, MPVM, PhD: Quest for the secrets of pandemics: Understanding viral spillover and spread
- January 26, Yian Gu, PhD: Dietary factors and Alzheimer's disease
- January 19, Julian Santaella-Tenorio, DVM, MSc: The influence of firearm legislation on violence: Evidence from US and international studies
- January 12, Xuesong Wang, PhD: Traffic safety improvement activities in Shanghai
- December 7, Jason Corburn, PhD, MCP: CUEGR Urban health equity on a planet of cities: From local to global
- November 9, Michelle Bell, PhD , MS: CUEGR: Geoffrey Howe Memorial Lecture: Climate change and human health: Reflections on research and remaining challenges
- October 19, Maria Glymour, ScD, MS: CUEGR: Epidemiologic research in Alzheimer's disease and dementia prevention: Why aren't we making faster progress?
- September 14, Lisa Bowleg, PhD: CUEGR: “I am a man”: Intersectionality, black heterosexual men, and sexual HIV risk
- May 11, Raj Chetty, PhD: CUEGR: The relationship between life expectancy and income in the United States, 2001–2014
- April 13, Ruth Enid Zambrana, PhD: CUEGR: Alan Berkman Memorial Lecture: Meanderings of Latino population health research: What is next?
- March 9, Laura C. Rodrigues, MD, MSc, PhD, FFPHM: CUEGR: The epidemic of microcephaly attributed to ZIKA in Brasil
- February 10, Donna Spiegelman, ScD: CUEGR: Towards a unified methodology of study design and statistical analysis for causal inference in implementation science
- January 20, Moyses Szklo, MD: CUEGR: Translational epidemiology: Are we missing the boat?
- December 9, Ken Rothman, PhD: CUEGR: Technology's role in the increasing isolation of epidemiologists
- November 18, Andrew Olshan, PhD: CUEGR: Geoffrey Howe Memorial: The evolution of cancer epidemiology: Promise and pitfall
- October 14, Lisa Berkman, PhD: CUEGR: Work, family, and health: The long arm of early and middle adulthood
- September 30, Sir Richard Peto, PhD: CUEGR: Halving premature death
- May 13, Timothy L. Lash, DSc, MPH: CUEGR: Molecular markers of endocrine therapy failure: Controversies, results, and future directions
- April 15, Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH: CUEGR: ALan Berkman Memorial: Seeking equity in solutions to obesity: Spinning the wheels of ethnicity, gender, and social class (Alan Berkman Memorial Lecture)
- March 25, Laura C. Rodrigues, MD, MSc, PhD, FFPHM: CUEGR: Big data in epidemiology: Opportunities, challenges and one example: The virtual cohort of 80 million Brazilians
- February 18, Margaret Warner, PhD, Cecelia McNamara Spitznas, PhD: CUEGR: The drug overdose epidemic: Epidemiology and control strategies
- January 14, Steve Marshall, PhD: CUEGR: Innovations in concussion research and injury epidemiology: Can epidemiology make the world a better place?
- December 10, Meir Stampfer, MD, DrPH: CUEGR: Why we should stop studying (overall) prostate cancer
- November 19, Lynn A. Rosenberg, MS, ScD: CUEGR: (Geoffrey Howe Memorial Lecture) What accounts for the excess of ER-Negative breast cancer in African American women?
- October 15, James Goedert, MD: CUEGR: Epidemiologic studies of the microbiome and cancer: A short history and a long future
- September 17, Enrique Schisterman, PhD, MA: CUEGR: Randomized clinical trial of preconception low dose aspirin use and pregnancy rate: The EAGeR trial
- May 7, Cesar Victora, MD, PhD: CUEGR: Epidemiology and the post-2015 agenda: What can we learn from monitoring the MDGs
- April 16, Arline T. Geronimus, ScD: CUEGR: Alan Berkman Memorial; Weathering social climate change
- April 2, Olli Miettinen: CUEGR: On progress in epidemiologic academia
- March 26, Dan King, PhD, Lynda King, PhD: CUEGR: Positive adjustment among American repatriated prisoners of the Vietnam War: Modeling the long-term effects of captivity
- February 19, Janet Rich-Edwards, ScD, MPH: CUEGR: Sticks and stones may break my heart: How early physical and sexual abuse shape lifelong cardiovascular risk
- December 4, Brian Schwartz, MD, MS: CUEGR: Navigating a career in environmental epidemiology: Has complexification been informative?
- November 20, Malcolm Pike, PhD: CUEGR: Preventing breast cancer: Lessons from the prevention of ovarian cancer
- October 23, Jan P Vandenbroucke, MD, PhD, FRCP, FRCPE: CUEGR: Can counterfactual theory provide a complete theory of causal inference as we practice it in epidemiology?
- September 11, David Savitz, PhD: CUEGR: From power lines to cell phones: 25 years of research on nonionizing radiation and cancer
- April 24, Susan Reverby, PhD: CUEGR: The medical/political/revolutionary life of Dr. Alan Berkman
- March 27, Michelle Williams, ScD: CUEGR: Diet, physical activity, and sleep: The three pillars of perinatal health
- February 27, Sander Greenland, DrPH: CUEGR: Is epidemiology too difficult for statisticians?
- January 23, Steven Cole, PhD: CUEGR: Social regulation of gene expression
- December 5, Lewis H. Kuller, MD, DrPH: CUEGR: "Dead science" in the era of molecular biology? The NIH attack on epidemiology
- November 14, Nubia Muñoz, MD, MPH: CUEGR: From etiology to prevention: The case of cervical cancer (Geoffrey Howe Memorial Lecture)
- October 24, Ronald Gray, MD: CUEGR: Male circumcision for HIV/STI prevention: Trials and tribulations of implementation
- April 25, Salim Abdool Karim, MD, PhD: CUEGR: Alan Berkman Memorial Lecture: New hope for HIV prevention (Alan Berkman Memorial Lecture)
- March 21, David Hemenway, PhD: CUEGR: Guns and public health
- February 28, Lawrence Altman, MD: CUEGR: Who goes first? The story of self-experimentation in medicine
- January 25, Deborah Winn, PhD: CUEGR: Cancer epidemiology cohorts: Trends, value, and future directions
- December 7, Paolo Vineis, MD, MPH, FFPH: Integrating -omics into epidemiological longitudinal studies
- November 30, Leslie Bernstein, PhD: Tackling breast cancer risk and prognosis: Can we improve our game? (Geoffrey Howe Memorial Lecture)
- October 26, Gary Giovino, PhD: Tobacco in the 21st Century: National and international challenges and opportunities
- September 28, Tyler J. VanderWeele, PhD: Mediation analysis and applications to perinatal epidemiology
- May 25, Graham Thornicroft, PhD: Lessons learned in developing community mental health care worldwide
- April 27, Albert Hofman, MD, PhD: Epidemiology beyond genomics
- March 2, George Davey-Smith, MD, DsC: Can we edge closer to causal understanding using observational data?
- February 23, Daniel M. Fox, PhD: Where the money is: Sutton’s Law and comparative effectiveness research
- December 15, Jonathan Samet, MD, MS: Translating epidemiological evidence Into Policy: How epidemiological research helped to clear the air
- November 17, Anthony Miller, MD, FRCP, FRCP (C), FFPH, FACE: Should we stop screening for invasive cancers? (Geoffrey Howe Memorial Lecture)
- October 13, Conrad Keating, MSc, PGCE: Smoking and lung cancer: The anatomy of a scientific dispute between R. A. Fisher and Richard Doll
- September 29, Daniel Fitzgerald, MD: Conducting HIV research in Haiti: The GHESKIO program
- June 16, Karestan Koenen, PhD: A lifecourse perspective on gene-environment interplay in the production of mental disorders
- May 19, Jay Kaufman, PhD: Heteroeroticism: Your subgroups or mine
- April 14, Alain-Jacques Valleron, DSc: What can the 1889 Russian flu teach us about the surveillance of modern pandemics?
- March 10, Sonia Hernandez-Diaz, MD, DrPH: Birth weight and infant mortality: Cause, bias, or paradox?
- February 10, Sally Blower, PhD: Evolution, complex networks, and drug resistance to HIV