NYCEF 2022 Abstract Submission
NYCEF 2022 May 23, 2022 Video
The New York City Epidemiology Forum (NYCEF) invites the submission of abstracts for consideration for oral or poster presentation at the 2022 annual conference to be held at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health on Monday, May 23, 2022. The goals of the conference are to exchange knowledge regarding epidemiologic studies performed in and around the New York City area, to stimulate discussion and to encourage collaboration among institutions. Although both senior and junior investigators are encouraged to submit abstracts, we particularly encourage submissions from junior investigators, postdoctoral fellows and graduate degree students.
Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee. Abstracts may not present previously published work, but prior presentations elsewhere is acceptable. Preference will be given to abstracts that include results (may be preliminary or final). We will also consider abstracts of work in progress.
If you have any questions, please contact
The goals of the conference are to exchange knowledge regarding epidemiologic studies performed in and around the New York City area, to stimulate discussion and to encourage collaboration among institutions. Although both senior and junior investigators are encouraged to submit abstracts, we particularly encouraged submissions from junior investigators, postdoctoral fellows and graduate degree students. The abstracts are reviewed by a Scientific Committee and have not been published previously.
Poster Archive From Past Events
7th Annual Conference
February 28, 2020
At the 2020 New York City Epidemiology Forum (NYCEF), 116 posters will be presented during two sessions.
NYC Epidemiology Forum