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People who lost a parent, partner, sibling, or child, showed signs of older biological age compared to those who hadn’t experienced such losses.
A. new study finds babies born after exposure to famine in-utero show signs of accelerated aging six decades later.
A Q&A with Thalia Porteny, assistant professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management.
The Healthspan Extension Summit brought together researchers across the medical center to present their findings in basic science, clinical medicine, and public health, and to discuss solutions.
People with a history of cognitively stimulating occupations during their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s had a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment.
People who reported having been pregnant looked biologically older than those who had never been pregnant.
New research links a healthy diet with reduced dementia risk and a slower pace of aging.
Participants in the Framingham Heart Study who achieved higher levels of education tended to age more slowly and went on to live longer lives.
Complex Impacts of the Earned Income Tax Credit Enhancements on Mental and Physical Health
The National Academy of Medicine honored Dean Fried with its prestigious David Rall Medal.