External Resources
External Resources for Clinical Providers
2021 CDC STI Treatment Guidelines
CDC released their most updated STI treatment guidelines for evidence-based STI prevention, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations.
National STD Curriculum
The University of Washington STD Prevention Training Center created the National STD Curriculum, which is a free educational resource that focuses on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, management, and prevention of STDs. CME, CNE, and CE credits are available throughout the site.
National PrEP Curriculum
The University of Washington STD Prevention Training Center created the National HIV PrEP Curriculum for clinical providers who want to learn more about HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
National HIV Curriculum
The National HIV Curriculum is an AIDS Education and Training Center program that is led by the University of Washington.
ASHA Provider Resources
The American Sexual Health Association has generated tools to help healthcare professionals provide high-quality sexual health care to patients.
NCSH — Tools for Healthcare Providers
The National Coalition for Sexual Health developed a toolkit for clinical providers to educate patients on sexual health topics.
Self-Collection Resources
The University of Washington has created high-quality visual guides for pharyngeal, vaginal, and rectal self-collection and is available in 22 languages.
CDC Gonorrhea Treatment Failure Consultation Form
Suspected gonorrhea cephalosporin treatment failure should be reported directly to CDC by either clinicians or health departments by completing the Suspected Gonorrhea Treatment Failure Consultation Form. Clinicians should contact their state or local health department to coordinate completion of the report form prior to submitting it to CDC.
Mycoplasma genitalium Treatment Failure Registry
The CDC created the Mycoplasma genitalium Treatment Failure Registry to collect clinical information on cases of Mycoplasma genitalium that fail antimicrobial therapy.
PrEP and PEP: Information for Medical Providers (NYC)
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene created this PrEP and PEP resource guide for clinical providers in New York City.