2nd Data Science Summit

The Mailman School of Public Health will be hosting an in-person Data Science for Public Health Summit on January 13, 2023. The evening before will feature a Distinguished Lecture in Data Science, given by Dr. Sherri Rose of Stanford University. The Summit will begin with a morning Keynote address from Dr. Xihong Lin of Harvard University and continue with three sessions focusing on the following important topics: (1) Research Infrastructure for Data Science in Public Health Research, (2) Education in Data Science in Public Health, and (3) Ethics in Data Science and Public Health Challenges.
The purpose of this gathering is to identify the data science challenges that are unique to public health, so that we can design and develop training and research programs that exploit the power of data science for the betterment of human health. More specifically, it is expected that the deliberations will help in shaping Mailman’s and Columbia’s strategic actions towards establishing global leadership in public health data science research, training and ethical practice.
About the Keynote
Algorithmic Bias and Machine Learning in Health Care
Distinguished Lecture Series in Data Science
Sherri Rose, PhD, is a Professor of Health Policy and Co-Director of the Health Policy Data Science Lab at Stanford University. Her research is centered on developing and integrating innovative statistical machine learning approaches to improve human health and health equity. Within health policy, Dr. Rose works on risk adjustment, ethical algorithms in health care, comparative effectiveness, and health program evaluation. Her honors include an NIH Director's Pioneer Award, NIH Director's New Innovator Award, and the Mortimer Spiegelman Award, which recognizes the statistician under age 40 who has made the most significant contributions to public health statistics.