Student Network

Welcome to the Student Network

The GCCHE Student Network is composed of students across all health specialties around the world. Through the Network you will be able to: 

  • Collaborate on climate-health education resources

  • Create best practices in climate-health education implementation

  • Gain access to educational events, trainings and interdisclilinary webinars and workshops

  • Connect to mentors and networks across the globe 

If you would like to join the Student Network, please sign up. Please direct any questions to Erika Strickler, the GCCHE Medical Student Fellow, or Gina A. Friel, DNP, CRNP-PC, the GCCHE Nursing Fellow.

Member Spotlight

Name: Samuel Abimbola

Specialty: Masters of Public Health student

Institution: Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health, Cyprus University of Technology

Country: Cyprus

Bio: Samuel is passionate about human and environmental health and the point where these two intersect, especially in low-and-middle-income-countries.  He has a keen interest in understanding environmental exposures and their effect on human health (e.g., the effect of oil exploration and/or refining on health outcomes such as cancers, asthmas in children and preterm births among workers and nearby residents) as well as the impact of human activities on climate change and its resultant effect on human health. He is a co-director of the Mentoring and Research Network (MRN), a research hub for African researchers within and beyond the continent who share similar interest in planetary and/or one health research concepts and also an executive member of its parent organization, African Community of Planetary Partners for Health and Environment (ACOPPHE). As a planetary health enthusiast, he opines that man-made disasters are a more pressing concern for planetary conservation than natural disasters are and therefore, believes that advocacies and awareness campaigns aimed at correcting unhealthy planetary behaviours will go a long way in controlling environmental and human hazards.

Learn More

Become a Member of the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education Contact us for more information.
